Rick Lasky

Wichita Falls, Texas

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Wichita Falls, Texas
Lewisville Fire Department
Fire Chief (ret.)
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
"Keeping Tradition Alive"
Topics you provide training for:
Leadership, Tactics and Strategy, Firefighter Safety & Survival. Please email me at chieflasky@gmail.com for a complete list of class offerings.
Areas of expertise:
Firefighter Safety & Survival
Traditions & Ceremonies
Tactics & Strategy
Incident Management
Chief Rick Lasky (ret.) a 40-year veteran of the fire service, served as chief of the Lewisville (TX) Fire Department for 12 years, prior to that as Fire Chief in Coeur d'Alene Idaho. Most recently, he was interim Chief for the Trophy Club (TX) Fire Department. Rick followed in his father’s footsteps beginning his career as a firefighter in the suburbs on the southwest side of Chicago and while in Illinois received the 1996 International Society of Fire Service Instructors “Innovator of the Year” award for his part in developing the “Saving Our Own” program. Throughout his 30-plus years in the fire service he has served as a career and volunteer firefighter. He served as the co-lead instructor for the H.O.T. Firefighter Survival program at FDIC for over 10 years, is a long-standing editorial advisory board member for Fire Engineering Magazine and also serves on the FDIC advisory board. Rick is the author of the best-selling books “Pride and Ownership-A Firefighter’s Love of the Job” and “Five Alarm Leadership: From the Firehouse to the Fireground” published by PennWell Books and is the co-host for the radio show “The Command Post” heard on Fire Engineering Talk Radio. In 2017, he was the recipient of the Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award.
Web site:

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  • Mark Lee

    Also, thanks for the dvd of this years banquet video and stories.
    Sure miss you guys...
  • Jim Mason

    Hey Rick, Just wanted to say hello. I've been so busy with Common Sense Firefighting on here that I haven;t gotten around the rest of it until now
    Take care buddy
    Jim Mason
    Chgo FD
  • John Morrison

    Thanks for being my one and only friend on the website. How are things for you. Things are well in CDA (except the 30+ inches of snow on the ground). How are things for you?
  • Marnie Price

    Merry Christmas, Chief!! Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday!

  • Rich Collins


    Happy New Year from Florida. Wishing you the best in the new year and look forward to seeing you at FDIC. Take care and stay safe, Rich
  • Marnie Price

    Happy belated New Year to you, sir!! Hope this year finds you with health, wealth, and happiness!
  • le neouanic laurent

    hello my name is laurent so french paramedic fire figther,i search for trade uniform's and helmet's for my collection ,thank's for your reponse my blog :
    my mail : laurent.leneouanic@cegetel.net
    happy new year for you and your family ,so long .laurent
  • le neouanic laurent

  • Stephen Hill

    Chief Lasky, I've enjoyed your Pride and Ownership series. Everytime I listen to the series it reinvigorates my desire to be a better leader. Thank you for the passion that you give our profession.
  • Rob Cannon

    Chief Lasky,
    I wanted to say thank you for your commitment to the fire service leadership! I have been listening to your podcasts and just finished your book... both have truly inspired me to understand why my superiors approach issues a certain way. You have also LIT my FIRE for PRIDE, and OWNERSHIP to find myself in the fire service as this looked down upon "Gamer Generation" firefighter.

    I thank you again and keep the information coming!

    With Respect,

    -Rob C.
  • Jeff Parsons

    Chief Lasky, from all your brothers in Southeastern Idaho, we look forward with great anticipation to you coming our way and lecturing, as well as the time we can spend in your house at the KTA Conference this year. We are the Eastern Idaho FOOLS and the IFFD Pipes and Drums. See ya in Lewisville & we'll buy ya a beer!!!
  • Joel Whitmore

    Hey Rick,

    I still owe you a phone call about our 2010 seminar. We need to get you back for another trip to Tony Packos.

    Stay Safe.
  • Marnie Price

    Hey Brother! Have your ears been burning? I did a presentation last night to my local FOOLS chapter (Tablerock FOOLS) on history of the fire service. I think it got a lot of the Brothers thinking. We showed your DVD and I think it hit home. I have been asked to come to some of the other departments in the county to make my presentation and to make it at our Firefigher's Association. It is my goal to try to reach every department in our county and share the pride and ownership for the job. You have paved the way for this country's firefighter's to take pride in their history and tradition.Even though the pride has always been there for most of us, I think brothers were held back from showing it by some. For that, I thank you. And I thank you for being a down to earth guy who hasn't forgotten where he came from! I have a tremendous amount of respect for you, Sir!! Please send our condolensces and prayers to the Travolta family in the tragic loss of their son. Everyone was deeply saddened by the news.Thank you again!!
  • Marnie Price

    Hey Chief! Hope you and yours are doing well. Tell your buddy, John Salka that we are coming to see him in NC Jan 31st. I wish you could hop a plane and we would all go out have drinks, play darts, and talk fire. I would love to pick your brain, haha! My Chiefy Wiefy will be with me too. I just love him! He's a pretty straight up guy like you! Stay safe. Love ya!
    Your Sis,
  • Marnie Price

    Good day Chief!!
    Unfortunately, I was unable to see John Salka as planned. My son fell ill that morning and I stayed with him. My husband did get to go and said he was funny as s***!! I did order his book and look forward to reading it. Thank you for letting him know we were coming. Stay safe Brother!! Luv ya!!
  • Eric Hankins

    Chief, Brother,

    I saw that you were on line and I just wanted to say thanks.

    Thanks for being a Chief Officer that we can all be proud of. Your personal mission is something that every firefighter in the world should strive to acomplish.

    Thanks for being a friend of the FOOLS.

    See you in San Diego next week????

    Be safe Brother,

  • Tim Kelahan

    Did I hear you may be making the Trip to Alaska again this fall?
  • Marnie Price

    Hey Chief!!
    It's your favorite Sis in NC! (Haha)Working in the ER tonight and it is snowing outside like a blizzard. We aren't accustomed to getting snow like this! I'm sure tomorrow will be a busy day at the firehouse! Just wanted to touch bases with you. I taught another fire history class last week at Oak Hill Fire and Rescue. It went well. How did you get so comfortable speaking in front of groups? Have you always been that relaxed talking in front of people or did it take time? I get so nervous sometimes! Do you have any advice? Hope you and yours are doing well! Stay Safe Brother!
    Luv Ya Mean IT!!
  • Frances C. Thorpe (Missy)

    Thanks Chief. I am looking forward to the conference in July. See you there.

  • Shane Comparetto


    I would like to tell you thank you from my brothers and sisters from this past weekend seminar! You made me look at myself and realize some faults that I will correct! I don't want to blow smoke up your a**, but I hope that I can spread the message that you and I so proudly represent! You definetly are needed more than ever in the fire service and I will do what it takes to bring the tradition back! You definetly derserve all the speaking trumpets that you have on your collar!! Thanks Again!!!
    P.S. History Quiz- Check out my pictures and see if you can tell me what the weird looking board is that I posted! (It's an easy One)

    Shane Comparetto
    Engine Company 81
    Hardeeville Fire Department
  • Don Huneke

    Chief thanks for the friend add. It was a great honor to hear you speak !!! Great class and very motivational. The book rocks; I could not put it down!! Thanks for signing it. Your class and book apply to both Fire and Police work. I have handed the book off to a fellow Guns and Hoses Brother who loves it. Would love to pick you brain on Truck Op's, Highrise and personalizing rigs. (Red with Red lights of course lololol)

    I hope to see You and Chief Salka soon.

    Stay safe and all the best to your families.

    Don Huneke
  • Nick Morgan

    Hey Chief,

    It was great to finally get to meet you personally at FDIC this year! Keep the fire burning and stay safe!

  • Arthur Ashley

    Thanks for taking the time to talk to the young folks from EKU and UNCC that volunteer their time to help make FDIC happen. Your talk, in their room, was funny, inspiring and needed. I myself, volunteer to help every year. I am a Lieutenant from Lexington KY and when I volunteer, I see the new generation and in these kids, it makes me smile. Just wanted to say thank you, alot of these kids look up to you. I myself am glad to call you "brother". Thanks again.

    Arthur Ashley
    Engine Co. # 2
    HazMat Special Operations
    Lexington Fire Dept.
    Lexington KY 40505

    I will be in the Dallas area from June 14th thru the 20th taking part in the Dallas Lieutenant's Assessment, hope I can come by and check out Lewisville's department
  • Eileen Brennan Cress

    Hey Rick,

    I love looking at all your pictures....It was wonderful to see you in Indy....so glad to be here....I hope all is well out there...keep those "Cowboys" safe, looks like they need it. :) Big hello to the Lasky Girls...let me know when your heading to FLA!!

    Talk soon,
    Miss ya.
  • Frances C. Thorpe (Missy)

    I have a 1 hour lay over in Dallas Ft. Worth on Friday evening (May 29th) from 1650 to 1755. I would love to talk to you.
  • Doug Price

    Hey Chief just swinging by to say hello.Thats some great pics. Chief, especially the one for the North East Corner of the new House. Whenever you get bk up to NC give us a yell I'm sure Marnie would like to sit down and have dinner with and catch up. Take Care.

  • Marnie Price

    That's wonderful Chief, would love to catch up with you if your schedule permits!! Did you hear Raleigh rolled their tiller this am on the way to a structure fire? Tried to upload the pic. Don't know if it worked. Three injuries, two serious but not life threatening. Keep them on our prayers!! Love ya,
  • Marnie Price

    Oh yeah, Chief, I want you to meet my special little man! His name his Huxbar, ( I bet you know what a huxbar is!! Most of the firefighters around here don't!) he is almost 1 1/2 years old. He is a shih tzu and my little angel! He is also a big fan of yours as you can tell! HA HA!! Love ya brother,
  • Todd McKee

    Hey Chief!
    Could you please send me some information on having you speak at my department please. Here is my email toddcmckee@yahoo.com

  • Doug Price

    Hey Chief, Sorry we missed ya this week in NC hope u had a good weekend. Marnie was mad she had to wrk and that kept her from gettin to up and catchup with you. Mayb next time u get bk up this way we can get together. Stay safe

  • John Cannon

    just wanted to say i had the privilege of watching your video the other day during my rookie school class.it reassured me of the pride an honor i'll be caring with me throughout my career.
  • steven gledhill

    chief you are and inspiration to us all. i too watched the pride and glory clip in rookie school. i dont think one person in that class room walked out there with out some sort of understanding of what this job really means. thank you chief
  • Aaron C. James

    what advice do u give people starting out in the fire service to find their way to making it a full career,
  • Todd Holderfield

    Thank you for accepting my request Cheif, it is an honor to have you as a friend. Are you speaking any where near the Carolina's any time in the near future?
  • William Deruyter

    Thanks for accepting my request. Hope all is well. Stay safe.
  • Rick Fritz

    The new Basics book looks great!
  • Jonathan Hill

    What an honor to be able to meet Marcus Latrell. I just finished reading his book and I feel like I know him. I wish there where more people like him in the world.
  • Doug Price

    We just wanted to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours Chief !!

    Doug, Marnie
  • Doug Price

    Hey Chief, Me and Marnie just wanted to drop by and wish you and yours a Happy and Safe new Year !! Take Care.

  • Gary A. Janka

    Chief Lasky, where can one find out where the great libility comes from on carbon monoxide calls as they relate to the fire service
  • Doug Price

    Hey Chief! All is well other than Marnie being a little sick. Hope your well. Let us know when your comin up so we can try and get together. Stay Safe !!

    Doug& Marnie
  • Ben Fleagle

    Appreciate the help Chief!! Thanks!! He'll be stoked!
  • Ben Fleagle

    Hey Chief:

    I wanted to thank you for doing that little favor. He's lookin' up. I also wanted to thank you for the chapter you wrote in the new Fire Engineering FF 1 and 2 Handbook. That is an awesome text and your contribution in the beginning was great. Its about time someone stated, at the very beginning, what a firefighter should keep at the front of his or her career. Those values. Thanks for doing that.
  • Todd "Cha-Chi" Monroe

    OK souunds great Chief. Just let me know what you need. It's good hearing from you!
  • Marion F. Blackwell, Jr.

    Thanks for all you do. The fire service would not be the same without you. God Bless and keep after 'em.
  • Shawn Tibbitts

    Hi Chief I would like to start by saying thank you for the inspiration you have brought to my carer and the fire service as a whole. Im writing in hope that you may be able to give me some guidance, I was asked to give a speech for Memorial day. To say the least I have horrible writers block and cant even think of a way to write this in a way that pays remembrance to our depts fallen brothers but at the same time not disregard our veterans. Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you
  • Marnie Price

    Hey Chief!! Have you missed me? LOL Hope all is well with you and yours. Haven't gotten to touch bases with you in awhile. Is there any way you would be willing to share your SOG on high rise fires with me? Chief Watts has delegated that to me and I would like to see several good ones and get an idea on what ours needs. Send it to mprice6021@yahoo.com if you don't mind. Don't forget your sister from North Carolina!! One of these days Doug and I are coming to Lewisville to see you!! Until then, stay safe brother!!

    Love you bunches,
    Marnie Price
  • Mike France

    Chief, I wanted to say that i watched your Video on Pride and intergrty on You tube it was sent to me and i passed onto my officers , it's because people like you that people like myself are becoming better leaders.
  • Mike France

    Anytime Chief
  • Matt McDowell

    You too Chief and the same to you.