bill noonan

, Male

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Weymouth MA
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
NEW APPARATUS, TRAINING --and YOUNGER FIREFIGHTERS as the department's age is creeping upward
Professional Qualifications:
Arson Photographer for over 30 years, author of 4 photo books on firefighters and firefighting, numerous photos have been published in various publications and books over the years, photos have been used in many Training exercises and other ventures
Areas of expertise:
Fire Photography along with photos used to document fire scenes, fire apparatus photography and photographing the firefighters at work

Comment Wall:

  • bill noonan

    thanks for the comments, the firefighters make me look good....take care...BILL
  • Guy Cammarata

    thanks bill!
  • Guy Cammarata

    Billy this is to remind you to come by wednesday the boys are expecting you!
  • bill noonan

    I will stop by.....bill
  • Guy Cammarata

    You know how emotional "r1"gets when you compare them to R2! Do rescues even go on runs the only thing they do now is go on walks.. I made fun of sandys F 1 racing hat. he bought it at the go cart place in braintree! NOw he is trying to recruit Doolin for that winebago called rescue 1
  • bill noonan

    Emotional?? I use to ride with the big "R" before you were even thought of, the 1964 Mack which is by far my favorite rescue rig, Lots of great memories....I have lots of photos for the Dudley web page...see u 2morrow....
  • John Galla

    Nice pics from Brockton Bill. So how many pics of Guy did you take the other night when ou stopped by? I think he's the most photographed firefighter in the world.
  • bill noonan

    none that night, he is priceless...
  • Guy Cammarata

    Billy you just keep up the good work. Tough one the other night , talk to you at that Fort about it.
  • bill noonan

    That was a tough one, they held me all day until midnight last night, had to get the kids when they were removed, tough when it is kids, real tough...see you Thurs. BILL
  • Sandy Lasa

    glad to see that your always looking out for me
  • Mark Gregory

    Thanks Billl. Just got back from Aruba. Really didn't know much about it. I will let my liver dry out tonite and take a look at the magazine tommorrow....
  • bill noonan

    thanks, look forward to meeting if you get here...bill
  • Sandy Lasa

    hey Bill, Thanks,that was unbelievable. great job by all involved
  • David Ebel

    Hi Bill,

    Please allow me to invite you to a site designed by responders for responders... the crew that is doing it is CISM multilevel trained and are there for the guys after the bad calls. It helps the responders that do not yet have a team or would be worried that they asking for help would be seen as weakness. Please join and share it when you can. As a chaplain with over 25 years of service to fire departments I am excited with it's potential to provide support.

    Visit Emergency and Disaster Responders
    Chaplain David Ebel Bakersfield, CA
  • David Ebel

    There is a great place to post your pictures on the site... please join, feel free to post and then you can refer others who may at some time need us.


    Chaplain David
  • Bobby Staulters

    Thanks a lot... I think I've been looking at pictures of your since I was 12. There always great to see!
  • Dan Gould i just gotta figure this site out LOL...thanks for the invite
  • bill noonan and Bobby (from da' Bronx) have something in common
  • bill noonan

    thanks for your kind comments...hope to see you soon, if I don't recognize you please come up and introduce your self....bill
  • Guy Cammarata

    hey billy where you been. come by next shift plz. so we can make fun of doolin
  • Sean Hanlon

    Hi Billy! Nice seeing you and the rest of the boy's last night! Those pic's we discussed should be on the way soon.

  • Erik Then

    Any photos from the recent fire in Eastie?
  • Erik Then

    Ah, too bad. Thanks anyway. I'm on Ladder 2.
  • bill noonan

    I have a few but nothing great......u guys were too fast...
  • Jay McCarthy

    Hello Bill,

    I was wondering if you knew where I could get a copy of Feel the Heat ?. I recently picked up the Fire Buffs Guide to Boston and the MetroFire Communities, and there is a page w/ a ad from DMC Associates mentioning it. Would they be able to help?.

    Thanks in advance,
    Jay McCarthy
    Hamden,CT FD
  • Jay McCarthy

    Thanks for the quick reply Bill.
  • Jay McCarthy


    Sorry to bother you again. Did you write Feel the Heat or did someone else, if not you do you know who did?.

  • Gary Haszko

    Merry Christmas to you and your family and Best Wishes for a safe and healthy New Year