Ted Corporandy

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Sonora, California
San Francisco Fire Department
Battalion Chief (retired)
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
see: http://www.firenuggets.com/authors.htm
Topics you provide training for:
Ventilation, forcible entry, multiple dwellings, highrise, truck ops, strategy and tactics, Fire Control 3 (live burn)
see: http://www.firenuggets.com/authors.htm
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Julie Simmons

    Hey buddy, good to see you here! You'll find some of your firenugget pals like Sicuso, Graves, etc., if you go through the members.
  • Jamie Morelock

    Hey Bro, It's good to see you here.
  • Erich Roden

    Hey Brother, the gang's all here...
  • Jamie Morelock

    Looking forward to it. I'll e-mail you my cell number. I get in Saturday around 1300-1330. Champ is picking Matty Rush and me. From there it is usually lunch and site prep. When are you getting in? I love the Saturday before just to spend (quiet) with the guys before the students get in.
  • Rick Lasky

    I have no doubts buddy!! Take care and be safe brother!

  • Julie Simmons

    No, this is all from the digital media & magazine folks. It is an awesome site! I'm so glad you joined.
  • Doug Leihbacher

    Hey buddie, thanks for consenting to be my friend! Gosh, for some reason I can't remember that session,,,
  • Doug Leihbacher

    Dude- how many "t's" in nuggets?
  • Leigh T. Hollins

    Please consider joining the new group "Advanced Vehicle Extrication" and offer your initial comments or photos.
    Leigh T. Hollins
  • David Ebel

    Please allow me to invite you to a site designed by responders for responders... the crew that is doing it is CISM multilevel trained and are there for the guys after the bad calls. It helps the responders that do not yet have a team or would be worried that they asking for help would be seen as weakness. Please join and share it when you can. As a chaplain with over 25 years of service to fire departments I am excited with it's potential to provide support.

    Visit Emergency and Disaster Responders
    Chaplain David Ebel
  • Julie Simmons

    Hey Ted, tell your buddy McGrail to sign up for the community! Folks wanna talk to him about standpipes! :)
  • Bobby Staulters

    Hi Ted, I recieved your email about the picture at Squad 18. I've been busy with the CPAT prep and getting all my info together for my investigation. But I will get that photo for you soon. How is everything in SF?
  • Bobby Staulters

    PS: I made a "book" out of all the Tommy Brennan Q&A's you had on the website. I'm still amazed by his stuff...
  • Daryl Liggins

    Oh Oh Oh! please be my friend
  • Daryl Liggins

    Teddy, Thanks for the kind words. I wish I were half as good as you said I am.