Michael "Mick" Mayers

60, Male

Hilton Head Island, SC

United States Minor Outlying Islands

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Hilton Head Island, SC
Hilton Head Island Fire & Rescue
Battalion Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Rapidly replacing personnel who are retiring
Creating traditions in a young department
Returning our department to our previously excellent reputation
Facilitating change for growth and increased customer service
Professional Qualifications:
Fire Science Degree - Savannah Technical College
NFA Executive Fire Officer
NPQ and IFSAC Fire Officer, Instructor, HAZMAT Tech, Ladder Driver/Operator, Firefighter certifications, National Registry Paramedic
Topics you provide training for:
Incident Command, Fire and Emergency Service Management and Leadership, Heavy/Technical Rescue
Areas of expertise:
Incident Command, Emergency Services Management, and organizational development for special teams, especially in regard to issues of strategic planning, implementation, budgeting, political action, and intragovernmental relations.
Deputy Director, South Carolina US&R Task Force One
Vice-Chairman, State Urban Search and Rescue Alliance (SUSAR)
Chairman, NFPA 1006- Pro Quals for Rescue Technicians
Emergency service instructor, author, and consultant
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Mike Walker

    Hey yo Mickey!

    Nice Pic man. Hope florida was a good trip.
  • Tiger Schmittendorf

    Imagine that.

    Read your blog. Definitely a different world here. None of the nonsense of the other place so far - but they both have value.

    It's pretty neat to be able to connect with some of the biggest names in the fire service - like yours.
  • Jason Walters

    Yes, It looks like a good site. Just got back from the Command Staff Meeting and Loggie day in Cola.
  • Michael Carpenter

    I might be a crazy, but schappy in a speedo, will make me want to sleep with those snakes.
    I have a DHL office next to mine, they might get the snake to you faster than the men in brown
  • Scott Richardson

    Hey Chief,

    Thanks for the reply on the Building a Team discussion! Celebrating successes is often overlooked because we are all so damn driven! Step back, take a breath and then charge on!

    Thanks again!