Michael Carpenter

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Crosby Texas USA
Houston VOl. Fire Department
District Chief
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Master Certified Fire Fighter, Paramedic, RSO, Construction Site Safety Officer. Certefied Trainer, NFPA 1006 Committie Member, Haz Mat Tech, Rescue Tech (vehicle, water, Confined space, High angle)
Topics you provide training for:
Rescue, haz Mat, fire fighting, First Aid and CPR.
Areas of expertise:
Haz Mat, Rescue, Firefighting
I have been in emergency response for 30 years, at present I am the Fire Chief in Soyo Angola, building a LNG facility.
I am a District Chief Haz Mat divison for Houston Vol. Fire Department in which I have been a member for 8 years.
Houston Vol. rides with the paid crews for Houston Texas Fire Department , we are an extra person on the engines and trucks but do not count as manpower (for when the paid guys want off)
I enjoy teaching others

Comment Wall:

  • David Bullard

    You must mean 28 days???
  • Michael "Mick" Mayers

    Hey, are those really snakes? I've always wanted one as a pet, can you send me one. Preferably via USPS. (I'm kidding- how's Angola?).

    If you really want to be daring, how 'bout a picture of Schappy in a speedo on your page.