Make Your Ladders Happy! “Portable ladders want to be used at fires. They want to get out of their ladder racks and be used, see the light of day, be near the heat and smoke, and help you do…
"Beware of smoke from everywhere" Basement fires, and their tell-tale sign of smoke from everywhere, is arguably the most dangerous fire we encounter. Sadly, this was made evident by the recent LODD of Patrick Wolterman in Hamilton, Ohio and the close call in Toledo with FF Dorner last month. The…
What do the stats have to do with it? "This book identifies 25 prevalent and vital topics necessary for firefighters and company officers to address when called to combat fires in residential buildings, highlighting issues common to fires in those structures.These topics are obviously not an…
THE SUNDAY PREACH“We bring water” “What is consistent is that it does not matter what the specific situation is, hose will be laid in the street and we will be shortly filling it. There is a no valid excuse in hydrated areas why an engine company on a reported residential structure fire would not…
"The Greatest Show on Earth"Time is quickly approaching for FDIC which provides one of the greatest honors for any instructor but also provides a platform and opportunity to share your message.We are humbled and honored to be able to share the 25 to Survive: Reducing Residential Injury and LODD…
Don't be knotted up when seconds count!Today we share the simple tip that can save you seconds when the portable ladder is needed to be quickly deployed and utilized for rescue or access. "When a life hangs in the balance, the extra timeit may take to untie this knot is absolutely avoidableand…
It's Really The Only Time You Have"We know that the SCBA is our only protection against the products of combustion. It protects our respiratory system from harm. There is a big difference, however, between wearing your SCBA and using it. We would never go into a fire without wearing one on…
“What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” Albert Pike (Introduction, Page 14)We start our book with this quote and we end every class with this quote because it captures how we should conduct ourselves each and…
Do you PPV?"Positive pressure ventilation (PPV) is a topic worthyof some discussion. Ladder companies that carry PPV fans must be well versed in their use. There is a tendency that if someone sets a PPV fan at the front door, it should be started and run. This is not always the case. PPV fans are…
Push it in or pull it out?"Are there objects that will impede your ability to gain access from the outside or limit your egress from the inside? Look for bars on the windows and how they are fastened, is the outside ventman able to quickly remove them with a Halligan or will it take a company with…