Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training



This group is designed to focus on the increased number of Flashovers that firefighters are encountering today. Anyone with an experience is encouraged to share it in order for all to learn from. Questions are encouraged.

Members: 55
Latest Activity: Jan 6, 2015

Torrington, CT 2001

Beechwood Ave. October 2001
Two firefighters were injured while conducting a search on the 3rd floor, conditions deteriorated and the 3rd floor flashed from back to front. One firefighter was treated for 1st and 2nd degree burns, the other was treated and released. They were about 12 feet into the apartment when they recognized the signs. The fire started on the outside of the structure and spread upward.

Discussion Forum

California Flashover

Started by Chris Pepler Jul 25, 2008.

Staffing??? 16 Replies

Started by Chris Pepler. Last reply by Michael Gavin Jul 20, 2008.

Why? 13 Replies

Started by Chris Pepler. Last reply by Gregg Normandin Apr 29, 2008.

Comment Wall


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Comment by Lars Ågerstrand on July 20, 2012 at 11:33am

Hi everyone!

I have started to make a series of videos about fire science in English.
I was hoping that you all would help me with feedback to them as I publish them one by one.

I hope that both our science gurus and the rest of us mortals would like to help.
The gurus I hope will be hard on the facts and how it is presented so that it is as accurate as possible. And all others I hope that you will tell me which parts that needs to be explained in different ways or elaborated further.
Feel free to test it on your mother, recruits, colleagues or your instructor!:-)

The videos will be used in a fire science e-learning course which will be available free on Firegear sometimes this fall.

Please leave all feedback on Firegear, because else the history and the documentation of the process are lost on different forums like here on FireEngineering! I would like to keep the process and the different future versions of the videos published so that the history of each video is saved for references.

Thank you all for your inputs!

Comment by Chris Pepler on January 6, 2012 at 11:05pm
As you can see we have been in hibernation mode. It is time to share our knowlege with one another once again. The flashovers have not been hibernating.

Members (54)


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