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I would like to become a firefighter but i don't know how to start or where i can go for training. I would really appreciate anyone's help. I'm originally from IL but I'm in CO right now and i will be going back to IL in about a yr and i would like to start my career as a firefighter there. Cant wait to hear from you guys, thank you

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thanks for the help. how many departments are there. Firefighter, EMS, Rescue or are some the same thing
Depends on the city you want to work in. Some deptartments only run fire/rescue where others are combanation fire/ems, it seams almost every dept is going that way lately. Out my way almost every dept is fire/ems. Do you know what city in IL you are going to try to get into? if so let me know and I can try to do some digging for you on testing, what they require and so forth through the international.
Take care
yeah thank you so much, Aurora, IL or Naperville,IL. I would really like to be part of Station 10 in Aurora,IL, because their station is a block away from where my mom lives and thats where i spent half my life and i saw them pass by everyday.
It is the GREATEST Job in the WORLD. I would suggest that you ask a local department where you are now at if you can go on a Ridealong. Some Depts do this and some don't. As far as reading anything on it, I suggest B-Shifter A Firefighter Memoir, This book tells of the good times and the bad. Another thing I tell my students" Look at that person next to you and ask yourself, Would you RISK your life for that person? Black, White,Baptist to Muslim?"
Hi Alfonso
It looks like they extended their test from 2006 to cover 2008, wich means they could be offering another test possibly next spring or the folowing year. What you nead to look out for is after a test has been given it may be the last test for a few years, wich stinks if you miss it. I found the phone # to central office where they can tell you when the next test is offered and what the requirments are for the city of Aurora. The # is Human Resources Dept. (630) 844-3626. You can also try to e-mail a board member of their local with questions their website for Aurora local #99 is / It wouldnt be a bad idea to get in with these guys so they might be able to give you some inside info, who knows you might become friends and then you have someone on the inside pushing for you. If you nead any more info let me know. for questions answered the one number I gave will be your best bet, that way you know for sure everything you need. Make sure to ask if you need college credits, a valid emt, city residents and if so for how long. Age cut offs. And most importantly when the next test offered is, that way you can get your ducks in-line. I hope this helped.
Take care and good luck, if you nead anything else feal free to ask.

Alfonso Alfaro Jr said:
yeah thank you so much, Aurora, IL or Naperville,IL. I would really like to be part of Station 10 in Aurora,IL, because their station is a block away from where my mom lives and thats where i spent half my life and i saw them pass by everyday.
If I where you i would start as a volunteer firefighter -
there you will lean while doing and it is the best way anyways :)
Good luck!

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