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If your department staffs an ambulance that is on initial dispatch to fires, what firefighting equipment and tools do you carry? Currently we only have SCBA's, flash/box lights. We'd like to get a few tools without going overboard. We are often first or second on scene to fires, usually making us Initial RIC, completing 2 in 2out. I'm thinking Irons and search rope. Any other things that you can't live without?

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Besides the mentioned flashlights and SCBA, our ambulances carry:
30-inch Halligan
Pick-head axe, 6-lb. (that's because we put 8-lb ones on the apparatus and had thes to go on the amb)
8-lb sledge (we go these for the amb when we put 8-lb mauls and 12-lb sledges on the apparatus)
Hydrant wrench
All SCBA have a 50-ft search rope attached tot he waist strap
We run our ambulance/rescue as a first line fire response also. The crew is the interior search part of the ladder crew. They carry a set of irons, a boston rake, TIC and myriad rope.
they also carry a hydra ram/k tool forcible entry kit
Or ambulances carry, SCBA, set of irons, splitting maul, 6ft pike pole, and a water press. extinguisher. The ambulance crew teams up with the engine crew with the ambualnce officer having the set of irons and the ambulance driver having the 6 ft pike pole. we carry a RIT kit in our command car and our resuce squad. The RIT kit constains a TIC, Extra port radio, set of irons, splitting maul, SCBA bag, 200 ft of search rope, wire cutters and other small tools. We carry one in the command car so that is is there right away for fires to be used by any crew we assign as RIT.
We want to add the water can to our ambulances but do not have the space.
Thanks for the replies. Our ambulances were not originally speced for tools, but we found space for a set of irons, sledge and a search rope. I think this is a great start.
30 inch haligan and 8lb flat head axe are a bare minimum for these tools need to be available for forcible entry in the EMS arena as well as the fire scene. Since these tools should not be split between crew members, I would suggest another tool for the other member. I have tried the sledge, but don't like it for search operations. I would like to get a water can and a small hook assigned to my FD ambulance, but so far no dice. I say ask the guys on the ambulnce and experiment until the right tool is found to work for you . good luck
-Interesting discussion. I would suggest that the mission of the ambulance crew at the scene of a fire will dictate what tools they will need.
-To that end I believe that the ambulance crew's first job, if they are assigned to respond to a fire in your district, should have a compliment of tools to facilitate that mission.
-Obviously ems transport is going to be the primary mission of the crew assigned to the rig. However, if the ambulance is dispatched with the intent of facilitating fireground operations and/or to augment staffing then they should have the tools for that job as well.
-Therefor, the job assignment on a structure fire response to a residential occupancy for an ambulance crew should be the furtherance and execution of a primary search for victims.
-For a comprehensive list of tools and duties see the discussion on this address.
What is the primary mission? is a great question. We do not have a strict set of SOP's rather G.O.'s, with GENERAL emphasized. The ambulance is frequently on the move in the city, much more so than an Engine Co., therefore, we are the most likely to hear the initial dispatch may arrive at the scene first if not 2nd behind the 1st in engine. We are in a dense population and the response is 95% of the time all engines arrive within 5 min. of dispatch.
My motive for the post is that if we are assigned as the 2 out crew for the first engine, they only have one set of irons, we better have our own. A water can may be feasible. As I said, our rigs were not speced for this stuff, we are tight on space.
We carry all the tools you have mentioned, plus rehab. supplies. Ie. water, gatorade mix, coolers, etc.
Currently, we carry SCBA (2), full PPE, and halligan bars. Usually, we have one member who is cross-trained as a FF/EMT who supports the engine or truck crews staffing and an EMS member (EMT) who has completed our in house 60 hour PreFirefighter Basic class who will establish the rehab sector for the call. On a working fire, our first ambulance out is generally committed to this dual role. The second ambulance will be a transport unit. We have though about placing PW cans on the ambulances but that is in the discussion phase.

Steve Andrews
Kent Island Volunteer Fire Department
We are an all volunteer fire and ambulance service. We don't carry any tools on it but we roll it to fire scene's for rehab. We don't have any room on are rig to carry any tools.

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