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What are you doing for a member that is getting ready to retire?

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I guess you would say we do the "normal stuff". We have a table with a scrapbook and other similar items, an open lunch type of reception and some kind words. I would like us to offer more, which might only need someone to take it on. I do our history research and I will peruse the files and look for significant fires that person had been to, or anything else that gives honor to what they have been through over the years. I eagerly await for others to give me more ideas and input.
Hi Jeff,

That's pretty good brother. I know it's hard to believe, but many departments do absolutely NOTHING!! I mean, how much money does coffee and cake cost? It's one thing to have never really thought of doing anything and that's understandable, but to choose not to do anything is a shame. I know some chiefs of some large mtero departments that still go out and do something even if it's at the end of the day in that member's firehouse, it still means a lot the retirng member.

Way to go brother and I'm curious to see what others are doing to honor those that paved the way for tus.

Be safe,

Are we starting to make any headway in getting things back to how it should be???
I'm for throwing out the first guy who says he's going to measure up his locker.

I've seen many different tributes, depending on the guy himself. There are quiet guys who don't want a big deal. A nice last meal at the firehouse with everyone stopping by to pay respects,.
Otherwise we gave out plaques at the annual dinner dance, the 'retiree' is invited gratis with the wife or whoever and is honored for what he has done, and as an example to the new guys of what should be done.
Another time to talk to the member who is always part of what happened at the firehouse, a foundation to build on....
Hello Rick,

Typically our Department has an annual "Stag Fish Fry" where we invite all the members of our Department as well as past members to come together once a year to share a meal. A scrolling power point of photos of past members and new in action on the fireground and around town are shown during the meal. Everyone seems to network and talk about everything under the sun. We enjoy the sharing of fires gone by and the passing on of information from our retired brothers as well as inculding all our new members in these conversations. This event seems to instill a great sence of pride and history in our Department. During this event we usually honor our yearly retirees with years of service plaques, testimonials and sometimes we even give them twisted parts from fire trucks they have damaged.

We also honor our "Firemen of the Year" at our yearly Exchange Club and V.F.W. meal. We will do longevity awards from our City Fathers as well during these presentations.

For our families, we have a summer BBQ at the Station #2, and provide fun water games for the members children. We also have an annual Christmas dinner at the station where Santa always manages to make a stop with gifts for the members children, as well as some great photo opportunities of screaming kids that just aren't so sure about Santa yet.

We also have periodic public open houses with a simple meal and the showcasing of new equipment and techniques, like vehicle extrication.

I love that we do these activities, and enjoy them quite a bit.

I hope this helps some brothers,
Stay safe,
I was lucky enough to be involved in planning an acknowledgement of the retirement of my Lieutenant, something that I truly looked upon as a privelege rather than an onus. The task was made much easier as I, like many others in my department, looked to this officer as a role model, a "stand-up guy," and a mentor. Good help is essential, and I was assisted by two good friends who helped immensely (you two know who you are.)
Here's what we did: we planned a informal get together as our department holds an annual formal dinner. Once we had made arrangements at a local establishment with the right ambience, we lined up a piper to play in honor of the occassion. In light of the fact that Lt. Barber had served as a combat air crew chief on helos in Viet Nam, we were sure to have the Marine Corps hymn piped as well. This was followed by a number of toasts, and acknowledgements of the role his career had played in the development of so many of the attendees. It was a great night had by all.
Following this, and unbeknownst to our boss, we had a leather presentation helmet complete with hand-painted shield prepared and sent to the upcoming convention of the association of which he is president: The USMC Combat Helicopter Association. The helmet was presented to him at the convention, and featured the shield I described above which depicted elements of the two signature parts of his life: the fire service and his service to his country in the USMC during Viet Nam.
I felt it was the least we could do...I would have followed this boss anywhere.

Be Safe,
...this is all great stuff brothers, I'm in Stillwater Oklahoma teaching a program and the firefighters and officers here are all buzzing about some of the ideas that you have posted. This is the kind of stuff that we're needing to spread around and this is going to be a great way to do it!!!

There are so many good folks out there that are looking for ideas on how to get it all started and this is going to help so many of them..
We have had several veteran firefighters retire recently. To honor them we have a party with all of the current members. We also invite former department members who had worked with the retiring member. It is a time to share stories and get together. The retiree is presented with a plaque and generally has something to say. Then others are encouraged to come up and recall old memories. We also have a wall in our newest station that is dedicated to the retired members. Each retiree has a plaque with thier picture and years of service on it. It isn't that it is big and grand or cost lots of money, its about remembering them and our history that is important. We often point out the photos on the plaques to our probies after they had heard an old story.
We rent a hall (community center) invite all members past and present, have food, drink, cake. We have a presentation by the Fire Chief and Chairman of the board. The Union gives an award, the Gov. sends a certificate. and the members shift usually donates to a gift as well. We usually do a video tribute and award the member his helmet and gear if he wants it. It’s a pretty big deal, no one leaves our department unless they retire, medical, or LODD (only two). It’s a great place and they take good care of us.

The "wall" at the firehouse is a great idea ad you're right, it doesn't take a whole lot to get it done, just a little heart. The brothers and sister of CDA do things right! Tell Mandy I said hey. She's good troop and you guys did great in hiring her!!

Be safe

That's a very nice touch involving the Governor. What an honor for the retiring member. And it really does demonstrate just how good a place can be when you have low "premature" turnover.

Thanks for sharing buddy!

Be safe,


What a great tribute brother! That being said, there is no better or classier a comment than the one you made in your last sentence, "I would have followed this boss anywhere."

Thanks buddy!

Be safe,



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