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Peyton turns to neighbors after volunteer firefighters bail-discussion.

Here is the article:

I like the last statement in the article that was made by an insurance rep who said that there wouldn't be any change to homeowners insurance premiums.

I disagree.

ISO ratings are based on many factors.

Training records is a big part of it. Having a department within 4 minutes of you is a big one, too.

But, back to the training.

If you lose 10 guys and it takes you a while to replace them, then the average number turning out for training and calls will decrease, thus reducing your "average". If your average goes down, then you will not get as much ISO credit for your training.

So, theoretically; your ISO rating could go up, which is bad. ISO 1 is the best; 10 is the worst. So, if you are at a 6 now and it goes to a 7 or 8; homeowners may see their homeowner insurance increase by about 50 bucks. And they will blame the fire department for it.

Hope Peyton gets it s**** together real soon.

Honestly; I have NEVER seen a mass resignation do the fire department or the community any good in over 30 years.

You can't win if you quit!



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while I agree that you have no impact unless you stick around, my first thought is "what did this guy do to piss that meny people off at one time?  If it was a "no more beer in the fridge" rule, then their leaving is no great loss.  

If it was a "I go thru the light at 60 to reduce exposure" they have a point.



The fire board has the ultimate responsibility to the firefighters and community. A chief runs day to day.

If the firefighters were concerned for their safety, then they should have gone to the board. If the board fails to do their job, then the firefighters go to the county states' attorney. If that fails, then they go to the NEWS MEDIA.

Believe it or not, matters such as these can be resolved without quitting. If it isn't, then there is more to the story. You don't fight this stuff for years and then one day wake up and say "that's it". No; something else is at play.

Just like all of the injuries that firefighters can incur that have a cumulative effect; so can all of the BS.

My department and me have faced many obstacles over the years, but we have always managed to stay together and fix the problems and I think it's for one reason...

We have come to count on each other and to protect each other.


I would like to point out that some fire boards up here spend most of their time telling FF how worthless and weak they are.  One fire board in our area cheated the Firefighters out of HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars in overtime pay.  The board and city finally got sued and lost.  Then they appealed and lost, than that said if you settle we won’t appeal again. Chief's do what ever they want and the board rubber stamps it.  Just Google News for: fire  department, board,  lawsuit, montana.  The politics suck and it can be pretty horrible around here.

Sometimes the only thing that you can do is get out with your life.  Not every Boss or board is one you can survive working with.  Firefighting and EMS is the quintessential example of man’s humanity to man, but even if you are a Vollie, it’s still a job.


If objective one is that everyone goes home alive and the chief's actions were jeopardizing the fire fighters' safety then what choice did they have once the board reinstated him.  They can ride apparatus that he is in control of or they can quit.  I don't see their actions as irrational at all.  Lets see.  I can ride rigs this guy will be driving and risk becoming the guest of honor at a fire service funeral or I can quit the department.  To me that is a no brainer.


Tom Horne, Speaking only for himself! 

See; sometimes you have to put it into someone else's hands, be patient and let it take its course.

However; I believe that it could have been done without giving up what you love doing.

Here's article:

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