Fire Engineering Training Community

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Most chief officers have a combination of skills and knowledge that thay use to perform their duties. Some of this knowledge is learned in classes and seminars and some is learned on the job, in the street at operations. Which of these bodies of knowledge is more helpful to you as a chief and which do you think is generally more helpful at fire and emergency operations?

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hi john
i think a healthy combination of these things is essential, but there are things u learn on the street that the books never teach
Although I am a big fan of the book knowledge and application, I have seen and learned so many things in the streets of North Hudson since we have been regionalized that i could never have experienced through just book study
I always tell my people: kepp your eyes open, your senses aware, and ALWAYS pay attentiojn to your surroundings
In addition, if u don't learn a lesson from every incident (and pass it on), as a Chief, its time to hang up the trumpets
stay safe
I see by your previous thread that you are drumming up support for real world classroom vs textbook world. I would say that often, when working in the field, you have an ah-ha moment where you come to the realization that you have retained AND recalled valuable information AND used it to help do a good job. It is at that moment you need to reach back into the past to see how you leaned that information, or more importantly , from WHOM did you learn it. More than likely, it was observed subconsciously and you were lucky enough to recall it when you needed it most. UNFORTUNATELY, with fire activity at a low AND tons of senior guys with experience retiring, it becomes harder and harder for young guys to become exposed to the wealth of knowledge that is disappearing as guys retire.

dont forget-- YOU are the king

stay safe

Hey Brother,
How is everything up north? Im busy as always. Good to hear from you.
Life is great. 25 of us fly out to Vegas on Sat for r&r. we rent harleys- going to Death Valley- should be warmer and sunnier than upstate NY !!! TWO college graduations this summer busy busy
hope you and your fam are well



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