Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

I am frustrated and disgusted over this issue beyond belief.

I stumbled on a bliptv link that someone had posted, and stupidly posted the link here. The link was immediately pulled, threats from copyright issues I'm guessing. Man, is this some kind of threat of national security or something? The man said a few things that can cause some well needed discussion, among a bunch of apparently overlooked gems, and he gets crucified. Why can't firefighters all be able to watch the video and make their own conclusions, and open the door to discussion. Discussion is like debriding burns, it hurts sometimes, but is necessary for progress and to keep things stagnating into gangrene.

Bleeding hearts and the lawyers that feed on them are ruining this country, and apparently the fire service with it. After going to the FDIC this past month I was rejuvenated into thinking there are still plenty of courageous speaking firefighters out there, and I even thought that Fire Engineering was a class act that could support these folks who are willing to speak up, and who have the credibility to go with it. After all the broo ha ha over this video I can only assume that Fire Engineering is like the rest of the country, scared of any controversy, instead of embracing it and managing it, helping channel it into good.

I know fire officers who don't like having those firefighters who always push things to the edge, I do. These are the firefighters who can usually get the job done and be a positive influence on the rest, IF their strong personalities are channeled in the right direction. Stepping on that enthusiasm because it is controversial, is short sighted and does much more harm in the long run, and I feel anyone who doesn't see that doesn't deserve to be a leader. If I am missing something here someone please point it out to me.

I now step off my soap box feeling only a little better.

Bryan Lafleur

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I had an opportunity to talk to Bobby Halton about this. Bobby was right to pull this, because, we as firefighters are responsible for our comments and actions, while in uniform. Now we are back to the Uniform Code of Ethics, just like our military men and women are held accountable to. While I understand your frustration, brother, it is mine too, we as PROFESSIONAL FIREFIGHTERS must honor the code of ethics. I never served any military time, but I was brought up in the Fire Service, to respect my uniform and what my dept stands for. FE Engineering is a class act Brother! They were taking care of a Brother! Ray's comments need to be used to get our people our of the recliners and train. We need to know building construction and fire behavior, before training kids on VES. It is up to firefighters like ourselves and all the Brothers and Sisters on the Training Community, to be safe, but at the same time do the job we took an oath to do. Like Brother Ray said, Firefighters put out fires! The speech and the controversy are just tools we can now use to both ensure our members safety, but, teach our firefighters how to stretch properly and extinguish a fire quickly.

Stay Safe Brother!
Enough has been said about it and nothing else needs to be said. Why keep putting fuel on the fire? There is no reason to.... We as firefighters need to stand beside a brother and guard against political and no nonsense talk about about the fire service and another brother.

FE is a class act and does more for firefighters than any other magazine or website will ever do. As a member of this great training site that we are all blessed to be a part of, WE need to move on from the topic and support the fire service with training and commitment. Let's focus on to another topic and improve ourselves and our brothers/sisters in the fire service.

Let's turn off the TV's and put down the recliners and get on the training floor! Let's take our focous to something that can better oursevles. Take care, Be safe and Train!

Your friend,
Todd McKee
I personally applaud Ray. Some things have to finally be said. Everyone at FDIC would be hypocrytes if they denied that what his message stated is not what they feel. I personally know Ray. I know many of the Brothers who work in 28 Truck with him. He is top notch, and a class act. He just had the guts to say what everyone has been feeling for the past few years, and now strictly due to politics, and nothing more, he is paying for it.

Todd McKee said:
Enough has been said about it and nothing else needs to be said. Why keep putting fuel on the fire? There is no reason to.... We as firefighters need to stand beside a brother and guard against political and no nonsense talk about about the fire service and another brother.

FE is a class act and does more for firefighters than any other magazine or website will ever do. As a member of this great training site that we are all blessed to be a part of, WE need to move on from the topic and support the fire service with training and commitment. Let's focus on to another topic and improve ourselves and our brothers/sisters in the fire service.

Let's turn off the TV's and put down the recliners and get on the training floor! Let's take our focous to something that can better oursevles. Take care, Be safe and Train!

Your friend,
Todd McKee
First of all I want to state that the following comments and opinion are my own and not that of my department. That said, guys, I think that we have beat this horse to death and we are serving up the meat. Let it rest. I have not watched Ray's speech, so I am not going to pass judgement, but in the grand scheme of life....does it make any difference? Has anything changed or is is much to do about nothing? I could write volumes regarding my thoughts and opinions on the pros and cons of safety in the fire service, but to what end?

I watched Bobby's video and I was more inspired by his leadership than anything that I have heard or read in a long time.

Keep up the good work Fire enginering!
Brothers and Sisters,
I pulled the video after Ray was reassigned to headquarters at FDNY by the chief of department who is also a friend of mine, at that point I had not yet seen the video. I do not get to watch them live as I have other duties back stage. Ray was not aware, as apparently many other uniformed fire officers today regarding the implications of wearing ones uniform and speaking in public forums. Rays video came down and will not be re-posted because the views expressed were inconsistent with those of the FDNY and Ray was in uniform.

I will not expose the FDNY because of Ray’s comments of being possibly or intentionally reflected back upon the organization and solely due to my failure, my lack of oversight for failing to inform all speakers of the responsibilities one has to ones organization when speaking in uniform. The video was removed solely on this basis, for a short video explanation click on Letter to the editor in the FDIC 2009 video section at this url

I hope if there is discussion then you should be able to articulate and guide it locally for your own organization. To be honest Ray is one of the most safety conscious men I know and he was not trying to draw lines or pick sides. Clearly his message is get out and train, that was all he was hoping to inspire. The video will never be reposted my friends welfare and the reputation of the FDNY come first to me as it does for all good firefighters.

Thanks for your understanding I cannot undue my failure to better manage my responsibilities I can only assure you I have taken measures to insure it never happens again. My apologies for causing any frustrations or misunderstandings. However while in uniform there is a code of conduct, I respect that and have sworn to, before God, my wife and sons, two of whom are military and would expect nothing less from me or anyone of you.

Your brother Bobby
Bryan and all members if you want to speak directly to me about this or any other Fire Engineering issue here is my cell 201 406 8278, it is that easy pick up the phone. Seriously I enjoy speaking directly and I am on central time today, west coast tomorrow.

Keep up the great work!

Your friend,
Todd McKee

Bobby Halton said:
Bryan and all members if you want to speak directly to me about this or any other Fire Engineering issue here is my cell 201 406 8278, it is that easy pick up the phone. Seriously I enjoy speaking directly and I am on central time today, west coast tomorrow.
Chief Halton, thank you for your reply. As I often do, I let my passion write for me before my good sense had a chance to have a say. I do apologize for any references to Fire Engineering in anything other than a positive light. And after reading the explanation, I understand the reason for Fire Engineering pulling the video. I, like many others have learned a lot through organizations like Fire Engineering and FDIC, and I applaud the efforts of those associated with it.

I am sorry that Ray's passion got him in trouble, and any of us who tend to let our passion speak for us know that sometimes we have to pay for it, but it is still often worth it to get a point across. And my other opinions stand, I truly believe we do the fire service a disservice by stepping on the enthusiasm of passionatly effective people, when channeling that passion is so much more effective, but I realize that was not the intention of Fire Engineering.

I will now move on.

Bryan Lafleur

Bobby Halton said:
Brothers and Sisters,
I pulled the video after Ray was reassigned to headquarters at FDNY by the chief of department who is also a friend of mine, at that point I had not yet seen the video. I do not get to watch them live as I have other duties back stage. Ray was not aware, as apparently many other uniformed fire officers today regarding the implications of wearing ones uniform and speaking in public forums. Rays video came down and will not be re-posted because the views expressed were inconsistent with those of the FDNY and Ray was in uniform.

I will not expose the FDNY because of Ray’s comments of being possibly or intentionally reflected back upon the organization and solely due to my failure, my lack of oversight for failing to inform all speakers of the responsibilities one has to ones organization when speaking in uniform. The video was removed solely on this basis, for a short video explanation click on Letter to the editor in the FDIC 2009 video section at this url

I hope if there is discussion then you should be able to articulate and guide it locally for your own organization. To be honest Ray is one of the most safety conscious men I know and he was not trying to draw lines or pick sides. Clearly his message is get out and train, that was all he was hoping to inspire. The video will never be reposted my friends welfare and the reputation of the FDNY come first to me as it does for all good firefighters.

Thanks for your understanding I cannot undue my failure to better manage my responsibilities I can only assure you I have taken measures to insure it never happens again. My apologies for causing any frustrations or misunderstandings. However while in uniform there is a code of conduct, I respect that and have sworn to, before God, my wife and sons, two of whom are military and would expect nothing less from me or anyone of you.

Your brother Bobby
Brothers and Sister,
I personally think Bobby made a right move. If you think that you have first amendment rights in your uniform you are dead wrong. Just ask a member of the military. If you are in your uniform you are representing your department and you have to be inline with their views. If you are not then you risk censure or discipline. What Ray said was thought provoking and needs to be addressed but maybe the forum of the keynote of FDIC is the wrong place for that discussion. Maybe if we want to discuss these issues we need to have a group forum and bring them to the table. Right now Ray is trying to put this behind him and avoid problems at work because of his comments. If we all let this go and bring up down the road on another day we will all be better off and so will Ray.
Brother Bobby I applaud you actions and your taking responsibility for this mess up. You are a stand up Guy!
If anyone want to talk about this, please feel free to call me on my cell at 631 334-8198 or drop me a line at
Be safe and keep training
Mike Dugan
Well said Cap... As they say, "let sleeping dogs lay." We have a Brother who has been put in the spot light and is now dealing with in unfortunate situation. Let's allow all parties involved to deal with things as they see fit, and we can talk about this down the road at a more appropriate time. Cap, it was great to see you again... Stay safe Brothers.

Aloha- Shane Furuta
Bobby Halton said:
Brothers and Sisters,
I pulled the video after Ray was reassigned to headquarters at FDNY by the chief of department who is also a friend of mine, at that point I had not yet seen the video. I do not get to watch them live as I have other duties back stage. Ray was not aware, as apparently many other uniformed fire officers today regarding the implications of wearing ones uniform and speaking in public forums. Rays video came down and will not be re-posted because the views expressed were inconsistent with those of the FDNY and Ray was in uniform.

I will not expose the FDNY because of Ray’s comments of being possibly or intentionally reflected back upon the organization and solely due to my failure, my lack of oversight for failing to inform all speakers of the responsibilities one has to ones organization when speaking in uniform. The video was removed solely on this basis, for a short video explanation click on Letter to the editor in the FDIC 2009 video section at this url

I hope if there is discussion then you should be able to articulate and guide it locally for your own organization. To be honest Ray is one of the most safety conscious men I know and he was not trying to draw lines or pick sides. Clearly his message is get out and train, that was all he was hoping to inspire. The video will never be reposted my friends welfare and the reputation of the FDNY come first to me as it does for all good firefighters.

Thanks for your understanding I cannot undue my failure to better manage my responsibilities I can only assure you I have taken measures to insure it never happens again. My apologies for causing any frustrations or misunderstandings. However while in uniform there is a code of conduct, I respect that and have sworn to, before God, my wife and sons, two of whom are military and would expect nothing less from me or anyone of you.

Your brother Bobby

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