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I would like to become a firefighter but i don't know how to start or where i can go for training. I would really appreciate anyone's help. I'm originally from IL but I'm in CO right now and i will be going back to IL in about a yr and i would like to start my career as a firefighter there. Cant wait to hear from you guys, thank you

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I suggest you go to the fire house in IL and express your interest. Watching the videos here is also very helpful.
I'm in CO right now and I'll be here for maybe a year, when you say "fire house" do you mean just any fire station, and about the video's thanks I will start watching them.
when you return to IL contact the local civil service in the area and find out when the next firefighter exam is going to be. You can find books on ebay, or any bookstore on practice test for firefighter civil service exams. ARCO makes a good one I perfered. Competition is tight so study your butt off, it is usually hard to get in. Good luck if you have any questions this didnt answer feel free to ask.
So school or training is not something you have to do right i mean its would be a plus. Is that how you became a Firefighter, studied and took the exam. I was planning on taking a course on EMT. But I'll start looking for books Thanks Have a good one.

Sign up and take the EMT course and consider moving on to become a paramedic. Alot of departments in our area require a paramedic license at date of hire.

If you have your emt or paramedic it is a huge plus some depts dont require it but alot more do and its definetly something good to have on your resume.sorry I forgot to mention that earlier.As for fire training on your own, its a pros and con thing. Some depts like to be able to put you right to work if you have you recruite firefighter training already, however most depts want to put you through their schooling to make sure your trained the way they want you to be. If I was you I would look into the emt programe but make sure CO is compatible with IL, I dont think it is but im not sure, Your going to be better off getting your emt in IL when you move back. Otherwise you might just be throwing your money away, if IL doesnt recognize CO emt license.
How can I find out if CO is compatible with IL.
Thank you Joe, Will keep that in mind. If you have any other helpful hints let me know thanks

Joe Heim said:

Sign up and take the EMT course and consider moving on to become a paramedic. Alot of departments in our area require a paramedic license at date of hire.

Find the nearest firehouse and talk to them and they should guide you in the right the direction
Check to see if Colorado teaches the National Registry program. If so you can take the National Registy test and then when you move back to Illinois you can apply for resoprosity.

Alfonso Alfaro Jr said:
How can I find out if CO is compatible with IL.
Im not sure what agency governs ems in CO in ny its something weird. If you were to stop by or call up a local ems agency or fire house and talk to their training officer or dept head they might know or be able to stear you in the right direction atleast. If you were trying to get into a dept in NY I could be of better help in this info, so my apologizes. Good luck

Try to get an idea of the department you'll be aiming for. Find out their hiring requirements. Some departments don't look for EMT status, but require that you become an EMT while on the job. (they provide the training) You may find other areas of study that will be more helpful to land a job with those departments. Such as: prior military service, college degrees, community involvement, etc. Check with their recruitment division, if available.

Also, test with some Colorado departments in your area. It will give you some insight of the hiring process.

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