Fire Engineering Training Community

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What in house training material does your department provide? We have the current Delmar Firefighters Hand Book and a set of IFSTA books. We have a video library of mostly outdated material. For officer training we basically have nothing. Command training we have Digital Combustion's Fire Simulator 3.0.
I have purchased books by Coleman, Dunn, Norman, Brannigan, Mittendorf and a really good millitary leadership book by Pendry that I use as a loaner library.
Its a start. But I would like to know what you use.

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We provide most of the IFSTA manuals. Also we provide in house DVD trainings on many different areas of the service. We also provide almost unlimited internet access that allows us to network with many different agencies through forums and through email to gather different trainings that others are doing. We currently have minimal to no officer training. We too have Digital combustion however it is severely underutilized.
Check out the Jones and Bartlett material. Of Course the Fire Engineering video series on Forcible Entry and Collapse of Burning Buildings. I do not know what your budget is but also check out Action Video. Free stuff abounds on the internet as well. Develop a local training officer association and share material between departments.
We have some of "all of the above."
Another great tool to add to the "in house" toolbox is FETN.
It is up to date and covers many areas in emergency services.
While DVD's, books and articles are the norm, I often look for another valuable asset inside of any firehouse. That is the person or person who willingly share what they have learned with others and can capably demonstate what is being talked about, with more than minimum skill. When a member of any Department capabily shares with another member, as compared to "hoarding" the knowledge for themselves, it seems to have more than a positive effect.

Another invaluable tool, inside any firehouse, is to recognize and remember when lessons learned are being given during conversations at the coffee table. Some of these are just not written in any book nor are they captured on any DVD a Department may have. We must never forget that fires, in our communities, we extinguished by firemen, long before we ever set foot in our own Department. For generations, Fire Departments have been doing more, with less.

When the less becomes those things which teach us more, only then will be forever behind. In training, we must not foget "the more we know, the more we realize we don't know".
We have the IFSTA manuals, and the working fire vids and the Amercian Heat vids and a large collection of books on every subject and the intenet we download powerpoint shows and burn to dvd for the guys to watch and we encourage them to take the FEMA and NFA online classes. And the CDC website we have gotting a lot of vids on terrorist training on different dieases and mass care we are currently looking at the action training packages,


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