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What are you doing for a member that is getting ready to retire?

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I think that's a first buddy. I know I haven't heard of that happening before, that is so awesome!! What an honor for brother Vince.

And does anyone ever really "retire" from the fire service, I guess technically, but they are always part of our fire service family. It's like being married to the Mob, you don't get out unless we kick you out!! Once a a firefighter always a firefighter!

Be safe

We are starting a string of retirements in Merriam. We have handled each one differently. I wish there was more of a standard format. We are in the process of IDing items that are must have for the retiring member. Then extras can be added. Each memeber gets the slide show, cake, ribbing by the men, and helmet/badge. it is a big family event. We have given a Liberty Art Works Axe, various plaques, letters from the President and Governer. We even requested a flag. I am very happy we are doing somthing. Each member also gets a lifetime FD ID card and to keep there Class A uniform maybe even their turnout gear. Gear depends on rank. We just finished a new medal policy and we are having our first medal day in three months. Very Cool.

Stay Safe Brother,

Rick Mosher (Merriam, KS Fire)
I wish more were doing that Rick. There has been some great postings already and I've gotten a lot of feedback from folks using a lot of it already or that they plan to use it. Great stuff!

Thanks for sharing brother,

Be safe,


Evans Center Firefighter Dennis Allen

We have a 37 year veteran; past chief, an officer for 30 of his 37 years; who had to "retire" from active duty in our volunteer fire department in February because he was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis and is now on a waiting list for a double lung transplant.

Rather than just running your typical "benefit" to help offset medical and living expenses, we're planning a testimonial celebration in September, complete with a parade in his honor and a discount for firefighters who show up in uniform to demonstrate their support.

We estimate that he's responded to at least 10,000 alarms in his career and we will be selling "life saver" cards (kind of like what MDA or UNICEF do) with his photo and a place to leave him well wishes, for a dollar each. We hope to raise a dollar for every incident he responded to.

I'll keep you posted on our progress.
Good luck and what a great idea for an obviously greay guy!
We are going to lose around 12 guys to retirement or other jobs this year, I am trying to get everyone's stamina up, becuase I feel we can't short change anyone because they retired in the middle or at the end of the "exodus". Each member has different tastes as far as a formal dinner at a ball room, but, we do a last dinner in the fire house, as well as slide show of the members career. This is hard depending on how many photos are available. We have a plaque made up with the members helmet front.

I adopted the format and some of the questions from the book for the questionarre. With the amount of guys we are losing in the next 5 months ( 4 Chief officers, 2 Captains, and the rest firefighters) we need to capture thier experiences and perspectives before it's gone. So, thanks for the guidance on that.

For the Chief officers, I would like to see everyone in dress uniform to shake hands on the way out the door, I think that is a fitting end, and a nice touch of class.
Great stuff brother! And it is so important to capture that information because when they are gone, they are gone, and all that information goes with them.

Thanks for sharing pal.

Be safe!


Thanks brother for sharing and keep it all going buddy!!

Be safe,

We present our firefighters with a plaque and there helmet at our annual fire department appreciation banquet. This is one thing that I have had the honor of doing for the last 7 years as the fire chief. I had one firefighter retire and he insisted on not getting his helmet he said the fire department could use it for someone else, we honored his wish to a point we did not give him the helmet but we gave him his leather front on a plaque, you talk about not having a dry eye in the place, he was very proud and honored at our gesture.
What a classy thing to do brother! Just the fact that he wanted someone else to be able to use the helmet says something about him. Sounds like a great guy. Thanks for sharing brother!!

Be safe!

We also give out an honorary badge to individuals that have continually helped to improve our department. We have only given out 3 and they have all been to people who have helped in training our members either in fire, rescue, EMS. The last one we gave out was to a gal that was our medical director for over 10 years. We did it at our annual banquet and she thought we were going to give her a plaque for her years of service, but we surprised her with the badge. She always knew she was a big part of our department, but at that point she really realized how much we appreciated the training and help she gave to us.

Stay Safe!!

Well, I wanted to follow up, we are about half way through our "exodus",, so far we have had good turnouts to the retirement parties. The men are on board to say good-bye. We have been building the gifts as opposed to buying them, axe plaques and helmet plaques and shadow boxes. The shift is constructing these items to put in the extra special personal touch. A video slideshow of the members career follows, with a healthy dose of comedic satire of course.

The shift AC just retired last week, his party was this past Saturday. That meant a lot to us. Our last AC was our departments first LODD. So, to see our boss off, and while he was still alive meant a lot to every member of the shif.

Thanks Chief Lasky for you ideas, and coming forward to talk about just how important our pirde and tradition is.


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