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Here is a good video an actual roof ventilation on a two story house. It is a little rough from the helmet cam and I am not a big fan of the music on these types of videos, but the intent on showing a good roof vent is really good.

Take a look and give some props to Ladder24co folks. Stay safe and share your knowledge.

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-Jason, I'm curious as to what, in your opinion, makes this a good video?
It's just a basic view of a typical residential roof vent. It is also under real conditions. Perfect, maybe not, but I think it is a good representation of how to vent a residential roof.

Michael Bricault said:
-Jason, I'm curious as to what, in your opinion, makes this a good video?
You made me second guess my post, darn you. But, in viewing it again here are the points that I think are important to list about this video that are positive.

1. Crews are full PPE and on air.
2. Two ladders, one ground ladder and the aerial. That means two ways to escape.
3. The firefighter never stepped into the cut area and you could tell he was working real hard at keeping some
weight on the roof ladder.
4. As the cuts are made you immediately start to get products of combustion.
5. It took him a little time to remove the cut out, real conditions prevail.
6. visibility gets bad once completely vented showing the hazards of the entire operation and the need to be
and remain on air.

Are there some holes that can be poked in this, possibly, but I think this is a good video and the positives outweigh any negatives.
Jason, "darn you"? What's this PC crap, whoops sorry. You made some good points Bro, holes can be shot into anything we do, but basics are basics! Not having designated trucks Brick is a hard thing. Opening a roof can be an interesting accomplishment where we operate at times, no even average at times but true. Darn You Jason! I wasn't going to put this much. Nice job showing the basics.
-Wasn't criticizing at all... just asking why this was pointed out as a good video.
-Not criticizing operations either about having or not having designated Truck Companies.
-Jason, I agree with you in that Im not one for the music overdub. That aside it seems like a pretty straight, plain ol' roof cut. I didn't see anything noteworthy other than what you point out. It did seem like it took a little longer than usual but other than that.... pretty straight forward.
-Was just asking.
Brick, I was giving Jason some! In our world, unfortunately, a straight forward roof cut can prove to be a difficult task. Practice can prove interesting Brother.

Take Care Bro!
I never have a problem with your comments. You bring a great deal of knowledge. Even if you would criticize something of mine, there is probably good reason. No worries, I'm glad someone is keeping me on my toes .

Again, no offense or anything like that was taken, and thanks to Jeff for giving me a good deal of sh&^>.

Take care Brothers and please keep your comments and information coming. I really do appreciate it.


Michael Bricault said:
-Wasn't criticizing at all... just asking why this was pointed out as a good video.
-Not criticizing operations either about having or not having designated Truck Companies.
-Jason, I agree with you in that Im not one for the music overdub. That aside it seems like a pretty straight, plain ol' roof cut. I didn't see anything noteworthy other than what you point out. It did seem like it took a little longer than usual but other than that.... pretty straight forward.
-Was just asking.
From a Truck Officer point of view, the most noteworthy aspect of this video was the orchestrated coordination between all of the members on the roof. One can see by their coeciveness or "gel" that they are used to working and training together. Everyone had a job to do and everyone did his/her job w/o incident. They were professional and disciplined enough to focus on their assigned tasks and not "free lance" their way into another job. Thank you very much for the video. My guys will watch it and after we rip them apart as we sit atop our mighty thrones of truck work, we will constructively critique ourselves. Thanks again.

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