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Anyone in the group actually use the "Cleveland Load" for preparing to fight apartment fires? There are a number of departments in Cuyahoga County (greater Cleveland,Ohio area) and surrounding areas contemplating a change to this load. I need some feedback brothers!

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What is "Cleveland Load"
Here is a link to the you-tube video of the load
Here in my department, we currently use a hose "bundle" system that utilizes two bundles: one 100' 1 3/4" and one 150' 1 3/4 which connect to a gated wye for the purpose of reaching any fire that is beyond the reach of our racklines.

All of our companies have trained with the cleveland load, and most seemed to like it. We currently use the same cleveland load concept for our wildland hoses in our wildland progressive hoselays. I believe that our guys would not mind going to the clevelend load.

Personally I think ours and the cleveland have both pros and cons. I think that the cleveland would work GREAT in scissor-style split landings on flights of stairs and in extremely limited spaces. Personally I think that it would not "shine" when deployed on narrow, long apartment landings sometimes seen in building construction. Just my two cents worth.

Let me know what you find out and if you change. I included our short brief powerpoint on our load.
Not sure if you have seen these yet. Good Luck.

We too use the Cleveland for our wildland packs (its a Travis Co. thing). We did try the Cleveland load for our "high rise" or apartment packs about a year ago. Worked well, just couldnt get everyone onboard to load it back after using it. Im guessing it was just a change thing but it was nice while it lasted! We are looking into another load that once we get more info and some pics I will share with everyone.
Our department dosen't use it. I think it's definately worth trying out to see if you guys like how it deploys compared to other hose loads you use. We have limited personel so anything that makes it easier for one or two people to flake out and move is a step in the right direction. I'm a fan of the "triple load". Let us know how it works out for you.
Some of our rigs are using a form of this load on their pre-connects. It has pro's and con's.

The pro's: Very fast set up. Easy to know who's on which line (no spagetti lines); Much easier line advancement.

The cons: if while the line is advancing, the fire attack company stops when one of the coils is only halfway "uncoiled" it can cause a wicked kink causing a remarkable loss in gpm.

Solution to the con: They keep a man at the coils to prevent coil kinking.

What they are actually doing is a 150 ft. flat or triple load with the last 50 ft. in the Cleveland or Metro or whatever you want to call it.
Our department has kind of played around with actually using this load out of our crosslays for initial attack lines. As of right now we haven’t made any advancement in putting them on the truck but from what I have experienced with it, it would be a great tool for high rise or any multistory situation. My best advice would be to check out some of the links that have been posted, learn how to do it properly, and give it a shot. Once you’ve tried it a few times it becomes easier and faster than most other loads.

Lovin the job
Dan Rice
In Salt Lake we have 2 or 3 Engine Companies that currently have Cleveland Loads set up on the working bed side of our engines.
That is the 2.1/2 inch line next to our supply line. We carry 1000' of it because we have a lot of set back apartments, houses, and long alleys. We use the term alley lay. But the Cleveland load has proven itself for above ground fire attack. Loads and deploys easily. Doesn't seem to tangle or kink. I like it as an option. I am a bigger fan of the drop bag stretch through or over a neighboring balcony but the situation dictates what we do.
Ive tried out the Cleveland load a few times, and it seemed to work great for me out back of the station.  Unfortunately we flat load 150' of 1.5'' in a two stack load.  It gets the job done for us.  I got family on Cleveland, i'll ask around a little and see how the guys up there are liking it.
now is this being used for Fire-Proof Constructed buildings and Hi_rises? The GPM from a 1 3/4" line is just not enough. It looks like a cool thing but I honestly don't see it being practical in a Hi-Rise capacity. Where in the stairwell are you gonna charge that circle? There were kinks in that circle while he's advancing. If there's fire out in the public hall I don't want those kinks plus the fog nozzle is a no-no as well. Not trying to be a downer but these are the questions coming to me when I see this video!

Our department is using the Cleveland load very successfully. We have two 1.75 lines preconnected 100' flat and 100' Cleveland, a 2.5" load same lay, and two talus lines of 100' each on a wye to the 2.5 flat load in the back bed.

We are a single company department so staffing shortages are real problems for us. This load proved easy to deploy. The kinking at the doorway was resolved by moving the coils away from the door opening by about 15'. We have also played with the load on stair landings, base of stairs is the stretch will reach the target floor, and in numerous residential settings. We don't have to leave someone at the door for kink control or to feed more hose.
We were using the triple load and after the first few feet in we were calling for someone to feed more hose - especially with the 2.5". Now it walks right in with minimal effort. While we don't advocate water hammers, the rare kinking coil is easily cleared with a quick shut down of the nozzle (but this has been a very rare occurrence for us).

Much easier to load also. Yet we do have speed trays to slide out and load on the ground. Open trays on top of the older reserve are not too difficult, either. But if enclosed load in the transverse area with no top access and no slide out I would be hesitant to try this.


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