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Who do we go to when there are problems with this web site?

Hidy ho brothers and sisters

I don't know if anyone else is having problems but I can't get into the High-Rise Group. Is anyone else having problems? Who do we go to about this site?

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You clicked High Rise Fire Group and it didn't open, or you were trying to find it by typing HIGH in the search box on the upper left side of the groups list and they (High Rise Fire and High Rise Emergency) didn't show?
I go to the High-Rise Group, as it starts to open, an error comes up on my screen. This is happening when I try it on different computers.
I sent your stuff to John Huges who is our in house tech guy, please let me know if it is not fixed. Bobby
Might I suggest pressing the little buttons with your fingers rather than banging your head on the keyboard......
Sorry, couldn't resist! I'm able to get onto it fine, so it must be a problem with your account or login. Hope John can help.

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