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chris conforti
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Chris conforti's Friends

  • Shanna Hanson
  • Joe Heim
  • Chris Piepenburg
  • J. Scott Loftis
  • Todd McKee

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Years of public service:
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Combination fire department

Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 8:33am on October 1, 2008, Chris Piepenburg said…
Hey dude, here are the basic tools that i think that you should have to get going, but this is just me. Thermal imager, rope bag/tag line, irons and a RIT pack. Also, every RIT operator should have a flashlight, preferably a box light and a radio. Too much other crap and you are going to get bogged down and have a hard time accomplishing the task at hand. Should you need other tools the back up RITs can bring them.
At 4:55pm on September 28, 2008, Shanna Hanson said…
I didn't see a discussion for this so here you are:

Our "basic" RIT equipment: Stokes basket w/25' knotted pull rope, backboard, axe/haligan, 150' 5/8" life rope, 120' 3/4" utility rope, TIC, RIT SCBA, Oxygen Bag, Medical Bag, AED.

Obviously this list doesn't preclude the companies judgement regarding items like saws & sledge hammers/mauls.

Our equipment is staged inside the stokes basket with the RIT members (wearing full PPE, SCBA & assigned radios) near interior crews point of entry. Each member also wears a "spanner" belt: escape belt with XL carabiner - which has multiple RIT applications.
At 12:42pm on September 28, 2008, Joe Heim said…

Here is what we carry on our rig for RIT:

TIC, rope bag w/150' rope, one knot at 50', two knots at 100' and then 150' is when you get to the bag, irons, chain saw, circular saw, 4' pike pole, box lights, RIT Pack w/spare face piece, flat crow bar, portable radio, pick head axe, stokes basket, and all of this sits on a tarp with the outline of the tools drawn out on it, the hand tools are actually rolled up in the tarp so we just have to grab the others and put them in there place.

I hope this helps.

Be Safe, Brother,


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