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Tony Tricarico's Comments

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At 7:13pm on July 18, 2013, James Edward McClelland, Jr. said…

Enjoyed your elevator class last month in Brookhaven NY for Lt. DiBernado memorial training seminar. It has been a long time since I've seen a good class on elevators and elevator rescues.
At 5:46pm on August 8, 2012, A Clouser said…

The only thing I would have wished with many trainings....was more time!

At 10:27am on March 25, 2010, Eric Hankins said…
Your mug was on the front of some wanted poster in Kansas. Not sure what that was about... No, it was on the homepage of the FE Training Community site (this site). There is 4 profiles that randomly pop up and at the time I was on, it was yours! And yes, you probably did see something about the Downey Award. Your eyes did not decieve you. Not sure it is warranted but I will be getting it next month.

Be safe Bro.

At 3:44pm on March 12, 2010, Eric Hankins said…

How are you doing Bro? Saw your mug on the front page and figured I would drop you a line. Hope all is going well for you in retirement. Witchita HOT was great. The elevator rescue class was fantastic. If you have any plans in the future to be in CA drop me a line, Maybe we can put together a class while you are out here.

Thanks again Brother. Be safe and Have Fun!!!

At 11:00am on December 23, 2009, Tony Tricarico said…
Go back to Brasso, make the kids work, it instills dicipline!
And while were at it, make them clean the fittings regularly. Now that none of the fittings are brass the newer guys are not taking the compartments apart like we used to.
There was no better way to get to know the apparatus than to clean the compartments one by one, whether they needed it or not!
Merry Christmas, I hope Santa treats you well.
At 2:21pm on March 31, 2009, Don Huneke said…
Thanks for the add brother...Stay safe ! If you ever need a hook in Fla
At 3:36pm on March 12, 2009, James Azevedo said…
Hey Tony,
Thanks for accepting into your "friends". I wanted to mention how fantastic your coverage of the VPS systems was. I have been collecting info from all over on ways deal with systems like VPS when we come across them. I caught a glimpse of a training video put on for FDNY. Do you have any idea if its available so I can present it to our training division?
Thanks again, enjoy retirement.
James Azevedo
Rescue 4
San Diego FD
At 3:26pm on February 20, 2009, Jenn Ross..aka "J-RO" said…
Tony thank you for getting back to Ed. I figured if anyone could answer his questions you could. jenn
At 8:59pm on December 26, 2008, Jim Mason said…
Thanks for joining CSF (Common Sense Firefighting) It's a fireground decision making thread on the page. Jump into any discussion at any time. I was just at the Rock in Sept. with the IAFF on the FF survival test class. I met a bunch of the guys and Salka was teaching with us. Good time. Last time I was there was 1996. It's changed a bit since. We're getting CSF meet and greet at FDIC on Tuesday of that week, if you'll be there then. Location to be announced.
Jim Mason
Chgo FD
At 10:31pm on December 16, 2008, Dave Walsh said…
Best of luck on your retirement- I'm sure we'll finally we'll run across each other someday. happy holIdays!
Cuzzin Dave
At 9:18pm on November 15, 2008, Tim Zehnder said…
Tony do you just do training in New York or do you travel across the US? I do alot of training with RIT and FF Survival in Minnesota, Iowa & Wisconsin. I am very passionate about these topics and want to further my teaching and would like to work with some of the national folks to get some and expand my teaching knowaldge and share what I have. Please let me know your thoughts, Thanks
At 11:47pm on November 14, 2008, Tim Zehnder said…
Hi Mike Welcome
At 12:25pm on November 3, 2008, Brian Meroney said…
Howdy from Texas. Good to see you in here. I am using the information you gave me to help with my elevator rescue class.
At 9:02am on November 2, 2008, Barry Aptt said…
I too read the WNYF article and I also found a Pdf from FDNY regarding these. As others have written that they haven't seent them in their districts yet, they can't be far off in the future. Thanks for bringing this issue to light. I had not heard of it prior.
At 1:32pm on October 19, 2008, Daryl Liggins said…
sorry, I meant "WNYF"
At 11:09am on October 19, 2008, Daryl Liggins said…
We have never met but I teach with Cerillo @ the FDIC Standpipe ops. Nice article on VPS systems in the new WNWF. We have not come across those systems in Oakland, CA yet but with the info you provided we will be more prepared when it does. Tell John I said hello.
At 2:18pm on September 22, 2008, Barry Aptt said…
Anytime brother. stay safe down there
At 7:49pm on September 18, 2008, Barry Aptt said…
Capt. love yoru articles on the firehouse homepage. Keep up the good advice
At 11:31am on August 15, 2008, Michael Wilbur said…
Hi Tony I am working up and down tommorow give me a call at the firehouse 430-0346 talk with you tommorow Mike
At 10:57am on August 8, 2008, Todd McKee said…
Welcome, to the greatest training site in the world! This is where the serious trainers come together and grow as a family. I would like to invite you to visit the HazMat Group called HazMat News & Training. Feel free to share your thoughts. Todd C. McKee

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