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Todd McKee's Comments

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At 9:36am on May 5, 2010, John Morel said…
Thank you for the reply.
At 8:50am on May 5, 2010, John Morel said…
Todd, I have a question about your discusion on DRD in June 26, 2008. I mentioned issues with students getting caught. Can you tell me who the gear manufacturer was?

I am following up on this topic for my department. we have not had any reported issues but we have guys who have removed the drd from their gear because of issues they have read about. We use Morning Pride.
At 9:21pm on February 24, 2010, Michael Wilbur said…
Thanks Todd it was a pleasure to get to know you hoping all is well stay safe Mie
At 5:49pm on December 13, 2009, Ben Fleagle said…

Spent a great amount of time pouring over the pictures. Amazed at what is there, even for the fairly novice eye. That big of a debris pile and body count yet nothing but a token inspection. Blows the mind.
As for the cold, its been down there for a while now. Its -5 today, which feels relatively warm compared to the past few days. I hear the Mid-West has had some weather as well.
At 7:13pm on November 3, 2009, Ben Fleagle said…
Events have overwhelmed me at home, I'll call this week, is 6 pm your time good?
At 9:48pm on November 1, 2009, Ben Fleagle said…
I'll give you a call, thanks!!
At 9:15pm on October 21, 2009, Dan Rice said…
I got a new phone and in the process must have missed your voicemail about the RIT class that you where teaching. Very sorry I didn’t get back with you in time. If you need any help with anything else let me know and thanks for thinking of me for that one. Hope all is well brother, I’ll talk to you soon.
At 9:23pm on September 24, 2009, Cory Orbison said…
Hey Todd, thanks for the quick reply on my discussion and the offer for some drills. You can contact me at . I have been away from HazMat for a while and am trying to get back into the groove and also make sure that my guys are up to date and safe. Stay safe brother.
At 10:28am on August 23, 2009, Chad Bowman said…
Todd- I left a message for Drew Smith regarding the Tri-winged occupancy. He has not returned a message. Any chance you can help?

At 3:00pm on July 23, 2009, Mike McEvoy said…
Todd - I did not - sorry I missed it. Mike:)
At 9:32pm on July 11, 2009, Antonio Almodovar said…
I'd be very interested in joining the group. In the first stages of a Haz Mat incident what is needed are firefighters and command staff that know Haz Mat and can make initial decisions which satisfy life safety priority.
At 11:21pm on January 12, 2009, Rob Cannon said…
Thank brother! I'll keep your number handy. Where in Ohio are ya?
At 4:49pm on December 2, 2008, John O'Donoghue said…
Hi Todd; Sorry about the delay in answering, but I just dropped the ball. Be glad to be a member and help out any way I can.
At 1:58am on November 16, 2008, Todd McKee said…
Define the word Unique.........

What may be Unique to me may not be Unquie to you...

Something to think about

Todd McKee
At 9:39pm on November 8, 2008, Todd McKee said…

I am looking for a short HazMat video for my 2009 FDIC presentation, the more Unique the better.

If you have one please email it to me at

I would be more than happy to give you a credit.

Your Friend,
Todd McKee
At 10:48am on November 7, 2008, Jordan Smith said…
Hey I couldn't get my shift switched to station 2 Saturday. I'll see you for training.
At 4:34am on October 30, 2008, Diane Feldman said…
Glad to help. The videos are usually somewhere still on the site. I am too low tech to know where. Pete always bails me out!
At 12:00am on October 30, 2008, Nick Morgan said…
Hey Todd, thanks for inviting me to the discussion. I'm a bit overloaded with stuff right now, but I'll try to contribute something in the near future. Stay safe!
At 11:21pm on October 29, 2008, Nic Sandifar said…
Hi man nice to meet you....the picture is of a fire that i was first due on earlier this year this is what we rolled up to and this alaram was only a few blocks away, ill probably put more pics up once i figure my way around this profile. Anyways i updated my profile right quick with the first and last name.
At 4:47am on October 29, 2008, Diane Feldman said…
That is a video service we subscribe to. It changes daily, and I am pretty sure once it is up and replaced, it is gone. I will double check.

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