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Jeremy Stocker's Comments

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At 11:21pm on December 7, 2008, julio reyes said…
Hi we are a volunteer group in the coast of Veracruz, Mexico, we do not have economic resources that we have accomplished is to choose based effort to join efforts to buy old standard vehicles and turn them into ambulances, cap and put them inside and sirens, we want have the opportunity because we know that in the USA donate emergency vehicles like ambulances ask all the information possible thanks
At 8:20pm on October 13, 2008, Travis Rask said…
Hey, when you get a chance can you shoot me a jpeg of our logo????

Thanks -

At 7:34pm on October 13, 2008, Travis Rask said…
Thanks brother...good seeing you all today. Made my day.

At 2:09pm on October 11, 2008, Travis Rask said…
Roger is fat, dumb and happy :)
At 11:58pm on October 10, 2008, Travis Rask said…
What's up Stocker?
At 10:46am on October 4, 2008, Ed Hadfield said…

If you got XXL short and long sleeve I'll take one of each. Tell me how much and check will be in the mail
At 10:20am on October 1, 2008, Ed Hadfield said…

Noce new logo...Got any shirts????
At 5:55pm on September 22, 2008, Chad Berg said…
Great job on Vent last week, Speedy Gonzales!
At 8:29pm on September 20, 2008, Todd Light said…
How's it going Stocker? It's been a while Hope all is going well @ Sno 7 for you. See you around.
At 10:17pm on September 14, 2008, Gino Bellizzi said…
Hey Brother,

Glad to hear that you are doing well at the Recruit class. I guess i knew you would be at the top. Keep it up.

Engine Co. 94
At 11:56pm on September 13, 2008, Ben Fleagle said…

Its my favorite Bull Dog!! How's the Recruit class going? I heard you made top recruit or such thing. Hey thanks for the note, I'm glad it had that affect and it does me no end of good to hear it!!

Keep Safe,

At 8:44am on September 3, 2008, Ed Hadfield said…
SNO-7 ??? WHen did that happen?? Congrats. Wha a great organization and absolutly terrific group of personnel. You make a great additon. When can I come aboard as a fireman??? I'd work for you guys anytime. Tell the boyz I said hello and stay in touch. Check the Firetown web site I have a few of the Bulldogs.
At 10:43pm on September 2, 2008, Chad Berg said…

I noticed a little change in your bio on here Stocker! Looks great, and it sure is good to see Sno. 7 under your name.
At 11:46pm on July 15, 2008, Eric Hankins said…
You too Bro. I was great to see all of my FOOLish Brothers last week.

You guys threw one hellova convention. See you in Maine..

Be Safe, Have Fun

At 7:43pm on May 18, 2008, Chad Cox said…
Sup Bro,
One of our guys is making the trip up for the convention in July, but he the host hotel was already booked up. Did he ever get ahold of any of you guys?
Chad Cox
At 10:36am on May 4, 2008, Ben Fleagle said…
See now, I knew the Bull Dogs were a pretty savy bunch, but I didn't know you were geeks too. I'll email you this week.

At 11:54pm on May 3, 2008, Ben Fleagle said…

I will be down in July. Who does your website?
At 3:08pm on April 30, 2008, Ben Fleagle said…
You are one bad looking dude. I need a favor Brother. I'm trying to repair the Farthest North FOOLS website by ...replacing it.
I hear you're quite the guru on that and if you had anything to do with PSFools site, I'm a willing disciple.

Drop me a line. Stay Safe,


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