Fire Engineering Training Community

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Brian Meroney's Comments

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At 8:10am on May 17, 2010, Brotherhood Instructors, LLC said…

At 4:30pm on December 2, 2009, Jerritt Gideon said…
Hey Brian, sorry I never emailed you that FOOLS stuff, if you want go by our website right now we are planning a meet and greet and we are talking to some awesome instructors to come down and speak. We are also looking at doing some HOT classes like that are offered at FDIC. It would be awesome to have you with us, if you have any more questions, let me know.
At 1:55pm on August 31, 2009, Billy Goldfeder said…
An absolute pleasure to meet you both. Feel free to email anytime and I will get back to you as soon as I am able-thanks.
Take care-BillyG
chgold151 @ aol .com
At 10:21am on August 31, 2009, Michael Wilbur said…
It is great that you are learning the job from all sides that will make you well rounded LOL
At 10:03am on August 31, 2009, Michael Wilbur said…
Hi Brian I was on vacation in Alaska and unable to come this year. Hope you had a good time. I hope the class has helped prepare you for your time on the truck Hoping all is well stay safe Mike
At 12:37pm on August 26, 2009, Peter F. Kertzie said…
Thanks for your comments. This sucks. It helps having the support of everyone.

I was supposed to make my first trip to the great state of Texas this week for FRI in Dallas.
At 3:07pm on December 11, 2008, John Barrett said…
Hey Brian,

Did you get a chance to review the document I sent you?
At 12:30am on November 25, 2008, John Barrett said…

Thanks for your interest in helping our efforts.
We need immediate assistance in two areas: filling state and regional coordinator positions for Texas and raising money for expenses through the sale of t-shirts. T-shirts can be bought individually or in quantity on our site:
I have also attached our informational letter to this note, after you have had a chance to review it, perhaps we can find a time to speak about how you or someone you may know can help us?
Thanks again for your interest, I look forward to your response.
Have a great Thanksgiving.

At 6:17pm on November 19, 2008, Michael Wilbur said…
Hi Brian Having only 4 hours is let trying to put a bandaid on a cut that requires stitches. However I would certainly would want to cover the state v&t laws and any rules for a start. Mike
At 5:54pm on November 19, 2008, Michael Wilbur said…
Hi Brian thank you for coming to class and the only way an engine can find a fire is if the truck finds it for um Hoping all is well stay safe Mike
At 2:38pm on November 18, 2008, John Barrett said…
HONOR THEIR SACRIFICES is a non-profit organization out of Texas that is dedicated to using the lessons learned from past LODD incidents to prevent future reoccurrences.
We are looking for individuals in your area to assist us in our efforts.
Please take a moment to visit our website to find out more about us and how you may be able to help us.


John Barrett
President, Founder
At 9:31am on November 9, 2008, Paul Combs said…
Thanks, Brian!
Take care, Brother.
At 2:29pm on November 7, 2008, Jim Mason said…
Thanks for joining Common Sense Firefighting (CSF)
It's a group on decision making on the fire ground. We have a good discussion going on the size up points of the PPV fan in residences "What is your dpet's primary venting? " Add to it any time you want. Looks like you've done alot of training of other FF's.
At 3:37pm on November 5, 2008, Rick Lasky said…
Good deal buddy!

Be safe
At 2:09pm on November 3, 2008, Tony Tricarico said…
Thanks Brian, You need any help just call
At 10:00am on November 3, 2008, Ed Wellman said…
Hey Brian, Good hearing from you. I have been in Little El for alomost 2 years. It is a good gig! How have you been?
At 10:05pm on October 27, 2008, Todd McKee said…
Welcome to the World's Greatest Training Community. This is where the serious trainers come to learn and grow from each other. We are very pleased to have you a part of our community!
Please allow me to invite you to join the group called UNIQUE HAZMAT INCIDENTS, I will be presenting this at the 2009 FDIC in Indy. and I would love to have your input on some of our discussions.

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