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Jenn Ross..aka "J-RO"'s Comments

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At 8:09pm on March 15, 2009, robert biggs said…
Hello there sexy:) happy to hear you are flying again,lost my phone in process of getting a new one.I will be in your favorite place Atlanta in june for a sox game hope you will be in town taht week-end. Once I get my phone i will give you a call. Untill then Please be safe
At 9:40pm on March 7, 2009, robert biggs said…
Hav'nt heard from you in a while hope all is well
At 3:40pm on February 20, 2009, Tony Tricarico said…
Anytime. Glad I could help.
At 11:09am on January 17, 2009, Chuck French said…
Thanks Jenn,

I'll try and keep Jason in Check.
At 9:27pm on January 10, 2009, robert biggs said…
Good job all of us up in Boston Thank you for putting out the infomation,on our Fallen Brother
At 9:06pm on December 24, 2008, Kelly Choate said…
Thanks for the welcome.
At 3:59pm on December 2, 2008, Ginger Mendolia said…
Have a great holiday season.
At 5:57pm on November 25, 2008, Spencer L. Garden said…
havent talked to mark h. yet. i don't know for sure 100% it will get approved either. but i think it will (the request for training) i will let you know when it does. i'll holler at mark h. too..
At 11:35am on November 21, 2008, John O'Connell said…
Hi Jenn
thanks for the comment ! hope to see you and the guys back in Indy in april !!
have a great holiday season !!!
At 11:25pm on November 13, 2008, Nelson Ojeda said…
Hola My friend,
How have you been? Do you have any training opportunities in town?
Be safe,

At 12:28pm on November 12, 2008, Billy Leach said…
I know folks can be mean no doubt. Hopefully you can work it out.

I'm teaching one of the days. Likely will try and be there all week if possible. I enjoyed last year.

How is the fire business there?
At 8:27am on November 12, 2008, Billy Leach said…
So, how long do you have left? What will you do then? Good to hear from you.

Doubt there are many of me out there, so you guessed right it seems.

Where are you flying today?

Are you going to the next FDIC?
At 4:46am on November 12, 2008, Billy Leach said…
Hi Jenn,

Yes I do remember. Are you still flying?
At 3:21pm on November 6, 2008, Spencer L. Garden said…
man, i don't know who you could sweet talk. but he'd have to wear a lot of gold. Chief Graves is my immediate supervisor. If you could get Chief Clark pulling for me, i think that would go a long way too. anyway, we'll c. thanks
At 12:56am on November 1, 2008, Chad Cox said…

Can I trouble you to send your pics to me from the live burn in Owasso? P.S. I think Big League Chew is the best gum!

At 5:38am on October 31, 2008, Diane Feldman said…
Hi. Didn't realize that was you when I saw you joined. Welcome. This site is awesome. Hope to see you in Indy (or Tulsa in hot August 2009)!
At 10:45pm on October 29, 2008, Ron Smith (a.k.a. G-Ron) said…
That would be awsome !
At 8:46pm on October 29, 2008, Ron Smith (a.k.a. G-Ron) said…
You forgot.......didn't you !!!!!
At 5:28pm on October 29, 2008, Michael Rude said…
making halloween costumes for the kids....whoo hoo!!! Sadly this will be their last year probably...just another way to make me feel older!!!! what's new out your way??? any classes coming up that you might need an instructor for?? Driver Ops maybe?? Hope to put a voice with the face real soon!!! RudeDog
At 11:45am on October 24, 2008, Nelson Ojeda said…
Hello Jenn,
Please send me pictures of the Owasso training weekend.

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