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Jenn Ross..aka "J-RO"'s Comments

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At 1:19pm on July 1, 2010, DALE G. PEKEL said…
Hello J-RO,

Thanks for the invite - All the best to you and your Department!

Dale G. Pekel
At 2:02pm on September 24, 2009, Jim Hester said…
Jenn: I just wanted to say thanks to you and the Collinsville Fire Dept. for your generosity. The trip to Tamohawk was great. It's a trip that should not be missed. Again thank you.
At 10:52am on June 9, 2009, Brandon Pickler said…

Just wanted to say thanks again for the live burn weekend. I had a great time. I also was hoping you could send me a copy of those pictures from the entire weekend if you just want to give me your address Ill send a CD for you. Thanks again.

Brandon Pickler
At 11:46am on June 4, 2009, Jim Hester said…
Hey Jen. Email me your pics from last week end to my aol account when you have a chance. Had a gerat time!
At 1:25pm on May 26, 2009, Nelson Ojeda said…

I will find out tonight. Yes I am still going, Friday and Sunday
At 11:29pm on May 25, 2009, Michael Bricault (ret) said…
-Was thinking more of the service than the actual beer. LOL. I've switched to something a little more aggressive.
-Yes Colorado is cold, snowy and beautiful in October. I'm really looking forward to Telluride. It is the last conference that I have on the books right now unless something else comes up.
-Yeah I ran into Brian at FDIC; a great guy.
At 11:18pm on May 25, 2009, Michael Bricault (ret) said…
-Things have been busy here... lots of fires keeping us on our toes.
-Did some great training for the station last week on an abandoned building.
-Going to Colorado in October to teach in Telluride at the State firefighter conference.
-Working on writing in the mean time.
-Needing a cold beer. LOL
-Hope things are well there.
At 11:07pm on May 25, 2009, Brian Weatherford said…
great, thanks... My email is We havent recieved any word on it until you and Brian just told me.
At 1:55pm on May 23, 2009, Todd McKee said…
Dear Friend,

Please allow me to invite you to the group called HazMat Placards to Success. This group will allow firefighters to discuss a step by step process for a Hazardous Materials response. From the firefighter to the hazmat technician. The first step has been posted in the group, with many more steps to come.

Thank you!
Todd McKee
At 1:18pm on May 8, 2009, Eileen Brennan Cress said…
Hope you have a great weekend!! And a very Happy Mother's Day!! You deserve it!!
At 8:11am on May 5, 2009, Eileen Brennan Cress said…
Thanks Jennie...loved our talk last night!! Let me tell you...3 hours wan't enough slepp to deal with the morning I'm having...but well worth the company :)
Thanks on the photo it was Matthew's Communion the day I returned from Indy. Thought I may be the only Mom to do "the church nod" on their kids big day...LOL I naps!
At 8:23am on May 1, 2009, Paul J De Bartolomeo said…
Hey Jen,
How are you? No problem with the pics, ifyou could send them to me that would be great.
At 1:31pm on April 30, 2009, Nelson Ojeda said…
Hola Jenn!

Sorry I haven't been able to call or write you earlier. I was so busy with school and some fire training with little time for the family. I hope we have a great experience at the end of may... I will see you there!

Amigo Nelson
At 3:43pm on April 16, 2009, brieanna sue fought said…
yeah, i do live in marietta, but, im only 14 im not on any training thing or anything like that,
At 1:07pm on April 9, 2009, John Terhune said…
thanks for the add. I'll try to get a few of the guys to come also. this sounds like good training, and a good time also.I look forward to hearing more from you. Stay safe during your travels.
At 10:32pm on April 2, 2009, James Pike said…
thanks for the pics ill send the ones i have as soon as i can i look for more frends to joy us soon
At 4:51pm on March 23, 2009, Nick Dachille said…
thanks, everything is about the same here, Looks like a very busy year. Take care
At 11:38am on March 20, 2009, Michael Bricault (ret) said…
Sounds good as long as the delivery method is the same.... I'll even let you pour. LOL
At 12:41pm on March 19, 2009, Michael Bricault (ret) said…
Thanks Jenn; nice to meet you too. We're looking forward to going back to give another class. I'll be teaching at FDIC Thursday afternoon. Maybe I'll see you then.
At 2:14pm on March 18, 2009, Dave Gallagher said…
Hey Kiddo, a great time. good to get to meet you. Hope all stays well in the skies... I'm sure we'll be talking soon. Should be heading out to see BA one of these days...
Be Safe, Dave

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