At 8:17pm on September 10, 2013, Mike Gagliano said…
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday September 11, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they speak with Chief Steve Kerber from Underwriters Laboratories. Steve is a former Deputy Chief with the College Park Volunteer Fire Department and has conducted groundbreaking research in the areas of ventilation and fire dynamics. He was recently awarded the distinction of honorary battalion chief by the FDNY.
The studies by UL and NIST continue to expand and challenge many concepts held sacred by the fire service. Today you can listen to and chat with one of researchers at the tip of the spear in cutting edge studies seeking to increase our effectiveness and safety in the modern fire environment. In particular we will focus on the newly released vertical ventilation study: “Effectiveness of Fire Service Vertical Ventilation and Suppression Tactics in Single Family Homes”.
Steve Kerber Bio: Steve Kerber is the director of the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute. He has led fire service research and education in the areas of ventilation, structural collapse and fire dynamics. Kerber is a 13-year veteran of the fire service, with most of his service at the College Park Fire Department in Prince George’s County, Md., where he served at ranks up through deputy chief. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fire protection engineering from the University of Maryland and is currently working on his doctorate in Risk Management and Safety Engineering at Lund University in Sweden. Kerber has also been appointed to the rank of Honorary Battalion Chief by the FDNY.
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday August 7th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they chat with Lt. Mike Ciampo (FDNY). Mike is one of the most entertaining and skilled instructors in the fire service today and writes the back page for Fire Engineering magazine.
We are excited to have Lt. Ciampo to discuss is “On Fire” column, life in the FDNY and tactical tips he’s learned in some of the busiest firehouses in the world. You get the chance to chat with Mike about anything he has written or even some stuff you’d like to see covered. Mike and I get a chance to hang out with a good buddy and brilliant firefighter who will keep you (and us) laughing throughout the whole show.
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday October 24th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they discuss "Nozzle Forward” with Seattle Firefighter Aaron Fields.
We are excited to have Firefighter Aaron Fields on the show to discuss a host of topics including the skills he has developed in the Nozzle Forward program, core engine company basics and stress related performance. Aaron is one of the amazing new breed of committed firefighters who are bringing an emphasis on core skills and dedication to the craft of firefighting to the front of our training priorities. You will have a blast.
Come hang out, ask a question and sharpen your skill set.
Does your department have a policy about writing articles for trade journals? A couple firefighters were recently disciplined in my department for authoring an article in fire engineering sans any sort of policy outlining department expectations. What is your deparments expectations and guidelines? Do you know what is roughly standard nationally? Thanks very much
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday August 29, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they speak with Chief Steve Kerber from Underwriters Laboratories. Steve is a former Deputy Chief with the College Park Volunteer Fire Department and has conducted groundbreaking research in the areas of ventilation and fire dynamics. He was recently awarded the distinction of honorary battalion chief by the FDNY.
The studies by UL and NIST continue to expand and challenge many concepts held sacred by the fire service. Today you can listen to and chat with one of researchers at the tip of the spear in cutting edge studies seeking to increase our effectiveness and safety in the modern fire environment.
Among the items we’ll discuss are:
The new studies just conducted with FDNY
Vertical Ventilation
Basement Fire Tactics
Fire Behavior/Dynamics
Pushing Fire
And anything else that interests you in amazing research being conducted that will have an impact on how you fight fire.
STEVE KERBER is a fire research engineer at Underwriters Laboratories (UL). His areas of research include improving firefighter safety, fire service ventilation, lightweight construction, and smoke management fire modeling. A 13-year veteran of the fire service, with most of his service at the College Park Fire Department in Prince George's County Maryland where he served at ranks up through Deputy Chief. Steve was recently recognized for his work by being awarded the distinction of Honorary Battalion Chief by the FDNY. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fire protection engineering from the University of Maryland and is currently working on his doctorate in Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University in Sweden. Steve is also a registered professional engineer.
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday July 11th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they discuss "The Right Seat – Officer Development Beyond the Textbook" with Chief Dave Casey and Capt. Chris Neibling.
We are excited to dig into the new, bestselling video series from Pennwell that looks at the difficult challenges facing fire service leaders. In scenario and after scenario the series attempts to provide some common sense answers for tough situations in which there are not clear cut responses. You’ll get a chance to chat with Dave and Chris about these and any other topics of interest.
In addition, Pennwell has made two copies of the first DVD available to random callers to radio show. Call in, ask your question to Dave and Chris and you may leave with a free copy of the DVD for your department. How cool is that?
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday June 20th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they chat with Chief Rob Schnepp (Alameda County FD) and Chief Jason Krusen ( Columbia FD) as they discuss the work and mission of the Fire Smoke Coalition.
The Fire Smoke Coalition is doing incredible work in the area of training and information on all aspects of the deadly nature of the modern smoke environment. With a specific focus on Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Cyanide, the work being done by the Coalition is changing the way we approach fires and our approach to fire smoke.
2. Talk about the Educational Mission: Awareness, Prevention, Protection, Detection, Diagnosis & Treatment
3. Can you describe the major components of the Educational programs:
To Hell and Back – Cyanide Poisoning
Out of Air
4. What is included in the Publications:
Smoke: An Advanced Perspective on the Toxic Twins
Smoke: Carbon Monoxide and Cyanide – the Toxic Twins
Smoke: Perceptions, Myths & Misunderstandings
5. Describe the Current Feature: Wear Your Air, Take A Shower & Wash your Gear
(Free Training on web site for Safety Stand Down)
Talk about the cross-country tour – “Know Your Smoke” – not about reading smoke, about understanding smoke and where you’ll be appearing?
6. Discuss dangers of fire smoke; i.e., cancers, diseases, cardiac-related
7. Atmospheric monitoring as a means of preventing exposure to HCN & CO
8. Why focus on HCN & CO?
9. What else are you working on and what is coming up for the Fire Smoke Coalition
Chief Rob Schnepp has over 20 years of fire service experience, currently serving as the Chief of Special Operations for the Alameda County (CA) Fire Department. He is a member of the NFPA Technical Committee on Hazardous Materials Response Personnel. He is a member of the task group charged with revising NFPA 473 Standard for Competencies for EMS Personnel Responding to Hazardous Materials. A published author on several fire service topics, his works include “Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations” from Jones and Bartlett Publishers, and numerous magazine articles for Fire Engineering magazine. Rob is a member of the Fire Engineering editorial advisory board, and the executive advisory board for the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC). Rob is a former hazardous materials team manager for California Task Force 4, FEMA Urban Search and Rescue program and an instructor for the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency, providing hazmat/WMD training to an international audience.
BC Jason Krusen is the Chief of Special Operations for the Columbia Fire Department in Columbia, SC, with over 14 years of experience. He has an Associate's Degree in Fire Service Administration. Jason is a Planning Manager with State Urban Search and Rescue Team, SC-TF1, a Logistics Manager for the Type II Collapse Search & Rescue Regional Response in Columb
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday May 30th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they discuss "The Challenges of Modern Day Firefighting" with Chief Steve Chikerotis (Chicago Fire Dept.).
We are excited to chat with Chief Chikerotis about many of the things on mind of firefighters concerning the present and future issues that are impacting the fire service today. Chief Chikerotis is a great advocate for the fire service and will be answering your questions in his typical straight forward and passionate manner. Among the things we hope to cover are:
1. With the challenges we face with modern day fuels can we still be effective saving lives?
2. Do we have to change our tactics due to modern construction?
3 . Does Rapid Intervention work?
4. Why must we train on the basics?
5. What have been the biggest changes in your 33-year career?
6. Have the type of people entering the fire service changed?
7. What is the best advice for a new firefighter wishing to get promoted through the ranks?
8. Should you trust your instincts?
9. Is it important to have a Plan-B?
10. What could you tell us about the new NBC action drama "Chicago Fire" which debuts in the fall on Wednesday nights?
Steve is a 33-year member of the Chicago Fire Department currently serving as a Deputy District Chief. He has been a chief officer for the last 16 years in which time he has also held the positions of Battalion Chief, Director of Training, and as Chief of Fire Academy Operations. He worked his way through the ranks serving on some of the city’s busiest engines, trucks and, heavy rescue squads.
A fire service instructor for over 25 years, Steve has taught classes all over the nation. He is an on staff instructor at the Chicago Fire Academy, Illinois Fire Service Institute, RICO Fire Training, and Harold Washington College.
Steve Chikerotis is the author of "Firefighters From The Heart" (Thomson Delmar 2006) as well as several published fire service articles.
Steve also does a lot of work with the television and motion picture industry as a technical advisor, safety officer, consultant, and screenwriter. He has worked on over 50 major motion pictures including the movie "Backdraft". Currently Steve is working with the writing staff of the new NBC action drama “Chicago Fire”, which will air this fall on Wednesday nights, 10PM Eastern.
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday April 25th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they discuss Rapid Intervention Training with Asst. Chief Jim Crawford (Midway Fire Rescue(SC), retired Pittsburgh Fire Bureau of Fire).
Chief Crawford has been instrumental in transforming Rapid Intervention into a mainstay of the fire service and a core element of training programs across the nation. He and his team have trained firefighters to be ready when seconds count and give endangered firefighters every chance possible to survive their own MAYDAY. From the “Pittsburgh Drill” to the latest developments in practical RIT training, you’re knowledge of this essential skill is about to get a kickstart.
Chief Crawford recently retired as the Assistant Chief of Operations with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire after 20 years of service. He is also the retired Deputy Chief of Operations for the 171st Air Refueling Wing Fire Department, Pennsylvania Air National Guard after 23 years of military service as well a graduate of the Air Force Fire Academy where he spent four years on active duty as a firefighter. Jim is also a former Deputy Chief of Training for the Pennsylvania USAR Strike Team where he also served as a Rescue Manager. Chief Crawford is also a life member and past Fire Chief of the Ben Avon Volunteer Fire Company, Pa. Along with these great accomplishments he was the ISFSI Fire Instructor of the Year recipient in 2002 for his aggressive national efforts in firefighter rescue training. He lectures nationally and is the lead HOT instructor for the popular FDIC program “RIT Combat Drills”. Chief Crawford has over 35 years experience in the career and volunteer fire service and is a third generation firefighter who loves the job and history of the American Fire Service.
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday March 21st, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they speak with Steve Kerber from Underwriters Laboratories. Steve is a former Deputy Chief with the College Park Volunteer Fire Department and has conducted groundbreaking research in the areas of ventilation and fire dynamics.
The fire service is buzzing with the latest findings from NIST and UL. You have the chance to listen to and chat with one of the key researchers into how you will be fighting fire in the years to come.
The focus will be on ventilation and fire dynamics with particular reference to the following documents:
STEVE KERBER is a fire research engineer at Underwriters Laboratories (UL). His areas of research include improving firefighter safety, fire service ventilation, lightweight construction, and smoke management fire modeling. A 13-year veteran of the fire service, with most of his service at the College Park Fire Department in Prince George's County Maryland where he served at ranks up through Deputy Chief. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fire protection engineering from the University of Maryland and is currently working on his doctorate in Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University in Sweden. Steve is also a registered professional engineer.
Just a reminder... Today at 4:30 (Pacific) Dugan and I will be giving away a copy of Mittendorf's "10 Commandments of Trucks Ops" to a random caller to the radio show...
Come hang out, chat with John and maybe win a cool prize to boot... The call in numbers are 1-877-497-3973 or 1-760-454-8852. You can listen in live at
Anne and I are chatting tonight on marriage, kids, conflict resolution and the like on the radio program today at 4:30 (Pacific). We'll be talking about Anne's column "What Every Firefighters Spouse Should Know" which runs twice a month on In a nutshell, Anne will be trying to explain living with a nut for 27 years and we'll continue exploring some our successes and failures in growing together as a couple. ...
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday January 25th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they discuss “The 10 Commandments of Truck Operations” with Chief John Mittendorf (L.A. City Fire).
Chief Mittendorf makes a return appearance to the show and will be talking about his brand new DVD training series, fireground operations and anything else that is on your mind. Feel free to call in, listen in or download the program for future training.
Hey Mike, Hope things are well. Can you contact me at I am trying to get some info. for a class I am teaching and would like to chat with Lt. Steve Crothers from your dept. and can not seam to find and email address.
Hey Cap,
I finally made it on here and thought I'd drop a line. I'm trying to upload a few pics of your suspenders. I hope they're working out OK. Again, great class, and look forward to seeing you again when you head back east.
I certainly will take a look and drop you a line afterwards. As to the job... hahah the one up there washed out. I am on the line to another one but, it is on the other coast. Thats a lot closer to home for me. I'll let you know on that on if it pans out.
Hey Cap! I just got in touch with one of my classmates from high school, only to find out that he is now with you guys in Seattle! I believe he said he is at Station 33... Well we are a month away and I can't wait! See you in Indy Bro...
Our contributors' posts are not vetted by the Fire Engineering technical board, and reflect the views and opinions of the individual authors. Anyone is welcome to participate.
We are excited to have you participate in our discussions and interactive forums. Before you begin posting, please take a moment to read our community policy page.
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Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday September 11, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they speak with Chief Steve Kerber from Underwriters Laboratories. Steve is a former Deputy Chief with the College Park Volunteer Fire Department and has conducted groundbreaking research in the areas of ventilation and fire dynamics. He was recently awarded the distinction of honorary battalion chief by the FDNY.
The studies by UL and NIST continue to expand and challenge many concepts held sacred by the fire service. Today you can listen to and chat with one of researchers at the tip of the spear in cutting edge studies seeking to increase our effectiveness and safety in the modern fire environment. In particular we will focus on the newly released vertical ventilation study: “Effectiveness of Fire Service Vertical Ventilation and Suppression Tactics in Single Family Homes”.
The call in number is 1-760-454-8852. You can listen in live at
You can get the study at
Steve Kerber Bio: Steve Kerber is the director of the UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute. He has led fire service research and education in the areas of ventilation, structural collapse and fire dynamics. Kerber is a 13-year veteran of the fire service, with most of his service at the College Park Fire Department in Prince George’s County, Md., where he served at ranks up through deputy chief. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fire protection engineering from the University of Maryland and is currently working on his doctorate in Risk Management and Safety Engineering at Lund University in Sweden. Kerber has also been appointed to the rank of Honorary Battalion Chief by the FDNY.
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday August 7th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they chat with Lt. Mike Ciampo (FDNY). Mike is one of the most entertaining and skilled instructors in the fire service today and writes the back page for Fire Engineering magazine.
We are excited to have Lt. Ciampo to discuss is “On Fire” column, life in the FDNY and tactical tips he’s learned in some of the busiest firehouses in the world. You get the chance to chat with Mike about anything he has written or even some stuff you’d like to see covered. Mike and I get a chance to hang out with a good buddy and brilliant firefighter who will keep you (and us) laughing throughout the whole show.
As always, you can listen live or in archive at and call in with any questions at 1-760-454-8852.
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday October 24th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they discuss "Nozzle Forward” with Seattle Firefighter Aaron Fields.
We are excited to have Firefighter Aaron Fields on the show to discuss a host of topics including the skills he has developed in the Nozzle Forward program, core engine company basics and stress related performance. Aaron is one of the amazing new breed of committed firefighters who are bringing an emphasis on core skills and dedication to the craft of firefighting to the front of our training priorities. You will have a blast.
Come hang out, ask a question and sharpen your skill set.
As always, you can listen live or in archive at and call in with any questions at 1-760-454-8852.
Mike (and any other authors),
Does your department have a policy about writing articles for trade journals? A couple firefighters were recently disciplined in my department for authoring an article in fire engineering sans any sort of policy outlining department expectations. What is your deparments expectations and guidelines? Do you know what is roughly standard nationally? Thanks very much
Belingham Fire Department
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday August 29, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they speak with Chief Steve Kerber from Underwriters Laboratories. Steve is a former Deputy Chief with the College Park Volunteer Fire Department and has conducted groundbreaking research in the areas of ventilation and fire dynamics. He was recently awarded the distinction of honorary battalion chief by the FDNY.
The studies by UL and NIST continue to expand and challenge many concepts held sacred by the fire service. Today you can listen to and chat with one of researchers at the tip of the spear in cutting edge studies seeking to increase our effectiveness and safety in the modern fire environment.
Among the items we’ll discuss are:
The new studies just conducted with FDNY
Vertical Ventilation
Basement Fire Tactics
Fire Behavior/Dynamics
Pushing Fire
And anything else that interests you in amazing research being conducted that will have an impact on how you fight fire.
The call in number is 1-760-454-8852. You can listen in live at
Steve Kerber Bio:
STEVE KERBER is a fire research engineer at Underwriters Laboratories (UL). His areas of research include improving firefighter safety, fire service ventilation, lightweight construction, and smoke management fire modeling. A 13-year veteran of the fire service, with most of his service at the College Park Fire Department in Prince George's County Maryland where he served at ranks up through Deputy Chief. Steve was recently recognized for his work by being awarded the distinction of Honorary Battalion Chief by the FDNY. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fire protection engineering from the University of Maryland and is currently working on his doctorate in Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University in Sweden. Steve is also a registered professional engineer.
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday July 11th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they discuss "The Right Seat – Officer Development Beyond the Textbook" with Chief Dave Casey and Capt. Chris Neibling.
We are excited to dig into the new, bestselling video series from Pennwell that looks at the difficult challenges facing fire service leaders. In scenario and after scenario the series attempts to provide some common sense answers for tough situations in which there are not clear cut responses. You’ll get a chance to chat with Dave and Chris about these and any other topics of interest.
In addition, Pennwell has made two copies of the first DVD available to random callers to radio show. Call in, ask your question to Dave and Chris and you may leave with a free copy of the DVD for your department. How cool is that?
You can reach the show by calling 1-760-454-8852 or online at
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday June 20th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they chat with Chief Rob Schnepp (Alameda County FD) and Chief Jason Krusen ( Columbia FD) as they discuss the work and mission of the Fire Smoke Coalition.
The Fire Smoke Coalition is doing incredible work in the area of training and information on all aspects of the deadly nature of the modern smoke environment. With a specific focus on Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen Cyanide, the work being done by the Coalition is changing the way we approach fires and our approach to fire smoke.
As always, you can listen live and call in with any questions at 1-760-454-8852. The live broadcast and archive are available at
Some of thing we hope to cover are:
To Hell and Back – Cyanide Poisoning
Out of Air
Smoke: An Advanced Perspective on the Toxic Twins
Smoke: Carbon Monoxide and Cyanide – the Toxic Twins
Smoke: Perceptions, Myths & Misunderstandings
(Free Training on web site for Safety Stand Down)
Chief Rob Schnepp has over 20 years of fire service experience, currently serving as the Chief of Special Operations for the Alameda County (CA) Fire Department. He is a member of the NFPA Technical Committee on Hazardous Materials Response Personnel. He is a member of the task group charged with revising NFPA 473 Standard for Competencies for EMS Personnel Responding to Hazardous Materials. A published author on several fire service topics, his works include “Hazardous Materials Awareness and Operations” from Jones and Bartlett Publishers, and numerous magazine articles for Fire Engineering magazine. Rob is a member of the Fire Engineering editorial advisory board, and the executive advisory board for the Fire Department Instructors Conference (FDIC). Rob is a former hazardous materials team manager for California Task Force 4, FEMA Urban Search and Rescue program and an instructor for the US Defense Threat Reduction Agency, providing hazmat/WMD training to an international audience.
BC Jason Krusen is the Chief of Special Operations for the Columbia Fire Department in Columbia, SC, with over 14 years of experience. He has an Associate's Degree in Fire Service Administration. Jason is a Planning Manager with State Urban Search and Rescue Team, SC-TF1, a Logistics Manager for the Type II Collapse Search & Rescue Regional Response in Columb
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday May 30th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they discuss "The Challenges of Modern Day Firefighting" with Chief Steve Chikerotis (Chicago Fire Dept.).
We are excited to chat with Chief Chikerotis about many of the things on mind of firefighters concerning the present and future issues that are impacting the fire service today. Chief Chikerotis is a great advocate for the fire service and will be answering your questions in his typical straight forward and passionate manner. Among the things we hope to cover are:
1. With the challenges we face with modern day fuels can we still be effective saving lives?
2. Do we have to change our tactics due to modern construction?
3 . Does Rapid Intervention work?
4. Why must we train on the basics?
5. What have been the biggest changes in your 33-year career?
6. Have the type of people entering the fire service changed?
7. What is the best advice for a new firefighter wishing to get promoted through the ranks?
8. Should you trust your instincts?
9. Is it important to have a Plan-B?
10. What could you tell us about the new NBC action drama "Chicago Fire" which debuts in the fall on Wednesday nights?
As always, you can listen live or in archive at and call in with any questions at 1-760-454-8852.
Steve is a 33-year member of the Chicago Fire Department currently serving as a Deputy District Chief. He has been a chief officer for the last 16 years in which time he has also held the positions of Battalion Chief, Director of Training, and as Chief of Fire Academy Operations. He worked his way through the ranks serving on some of the city’s busiest engines, trucks and, heavy rescue squads.
A fire service instructor for over 25 years, Steve has taught classes all over the nation. He is an on staff instructor at the Chicago Fire Academy, Illinois Fire Service Institute, RICO Fire Training, and Harold Washington College.
Steve Chikerotis is the author of "Firefighters From The Heart" (Thomson Delmar 2006) as well as several published fire service articles.
Steve also does a lot of work with the television and motion picture industry as a technical advisor, safety officer, consultant, and screenwriter. He has worked on over 50 major motion pictures including the movie "Backdraft". Currently Steve is working with the writing staff of the new NBC action drama “Chicago Fire”, which will air this fall on Wednesday nights, 10PM Eastern.
Great show tonight Mike!
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday April 25th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they discuss Rapid Intervention Training with Asst. Chief Jim Crawford (Midway Fire Rescue(SC), retired Pittsburgh Fire Bureau of Fire).
Chief Crawford has been instrumental in transforming Rapid Intervention into a mainstay of the fire service and a core element of training programs across the nation. He and his team have trained firefighters to be ready when seconds count and give endangered firefighters every chance possible to survive their own MAYDAY. From the “Pittsburgh Drill” to the latest developments in practical RIT training, you’re knowledge of this essential skill is about to get a kickstart.
The call in numbers are 1-877-497-3973 or 1-760-454-8852. You can listen in live at
Chief Crawford recently retired as the Assistant Chief of Operations with the Pittsburgh Bureau of Fire after 20 years of service. He is also the retired Deputy Chief of Operations for the 171st Air Refueling Wing Fire Department, Pennsylvania Air National Guard after 23 years of military service as well a graduate of the Air Force Fire Academy where he spent four years on active duty as a firefighter. Jim is also a former Deputy Chief of Training for the Pennsylvania USAR Strike Team where he also served as a Rescue Manager. Chief Crawford is also a life member and past Fire Chief of the Ben Avon Volunteer Fire Company, Pa. Along with these great accomplishments he was the ISFSI Fire Instructor of the Year recipient in 2002 for his aggressive national efforts in firefighter rescue training. He lectures nationally and is the lead HOT instructor for the popular FDIC program “RIT Combat Drills”. Chief Crawford has over 35 years experience in the career and volunteer fire service and is a third generation firefighter who loves the job and history of the American Fire Service.
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday March 21st, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they speak with Steve Kerber from Underwriters Laboratories. Steve is a former Deputy Chief with the College Park Volunteer Fire Department and has conducted groundbreaking research in the areas of ventilation and fire dynamics.
The fire service is buzzing with the latest findings from NIST and UL. You have the chance to listen to and chat with one of the key researchers into how you will be fighting fire in the years to come.
The focus will be on ventilation and fire dynamics with particular reference to the following documents:
The call in numbers are 1-877-497-3973 or 1-760-454-8852. You can listen in live at
Steve Kerber Bio:
STEVE KERBER is a fire research engineer at Underwriters Laboratories (UL). His areas of research include improving firefighter safety, fire service ventilation, lightweight construction, and smoke management fire modeling. A 13-year veteran of the fire service, with most of his service at the College Park Fire Department in Prince George's County Maryland where he served at ranks up through Deputy Chief. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in fire protection engineering from the University of Maryland and is currently working on his doctorate in Fire Safety Engineering at Lund University in Sweden. Steve is also a registered professional engineer.
Just a reminder... Today at 4:30 (Pacific) Dugan and I will be giving away a copy of Mittendorf's "10 Commandments of Trucks Ops" to a random caller to the radio show...
Come hang out, chat with John and maybe win a cool prize to boot... The call in numbers are 1-877-497-3973 or 1-760-454-8852. You can listen in live at
Anne and I are chatting tonight on marriage, kids, conflict resolution and the like on the radio program today at 4:30 (Pacific). We'll be talking about Anne's column "What Every Firefighters Spouse Should Know" which runs twice a month on In a nutshell, Anne will be trying to explain living with a nut for 27 years and we'll continue exploring some our successes and failures in growing together as a couple. ...
We'd love to chat with you and hear your thoughts. The call in number is 1-877-497-3973 and you can link to the show at
Join Capt. Mike Dugan (FDNY) and Capt. Mike Gagliano (Seattle Fire) on Wednesday January 25th, at 4:30 PM (Pacific) as they discuss “The 10 Commandments of Truck Operations” with Chief John Mittendorf (L.A. City Fire).
Chief Mittendorf makes a return appearance to the show and will be talking about his brand new DVD training series, fireground operations and anything else that is on your mind. Feel free to call in, listen in or download the program for future training.
The call in numbers are 1-877-497-3973 or 1-760-454-8852. You can listen in live at
I am trying to find information on your educational services. Could you please e-mail me your contact information. Thank you in advance.
Jeff Duer
Hey Mike, Hope things are well. Can you contact me at I am trying to get some info. for a class I am teaching and would like to chat with Lt. Steve Crothers from your dept. and can not seam to find and email address.
Tim Zehnder Minnesota
I finally made it on here and thought I'd drop a line. I'm trying to upload a few pics of your suspenders. I hope they're working out OK. Again, great class, and look forward to seeing you again when you head back east.
It was great to finally meet you in person up in Indy! Great class, lot's of good ideas to start working on here.
God bless and stay safe brother!
Aloha -Shane
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