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Wayne Benner Jr's Comments

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At 12:26pm on January 24, 2009, Mike Walker said…
Thanks for joining the High-Rise Group. I hope you learn as much from the page as I have. Take care brother.
At 12:11pm on January 10, 2009, Paul Combs said…
Thanks, Brother!
At 10:31pm on January 8, 2009, Joel Holbrook said…
Brother Wayne, if you go to my page, open up my friends and hit Josh Augustine, he has posted some more pix of the stokes training, that gives you a really good shot of the change of direction at the tip of the aerial. If you cannot get to it, I will cut and paste it to my page.
At 10:40am on January 4, 2009, Joel Holbrook said…
Brother Wayne, we too had difficulty getting teh manufacturer to give us the yea or ney on how it was suppose to be done. Initially we were totold the only way it could be done was off the rear, using the tow hooks as our anchor point and strapping webbing to the rungs of the fly section with pulleys as a change of direction. Well as you can imagine this creates several roadblocks. One; you only have about 30 degrees of lateral movement when working off the rear, because the anchors are fixed, second, you limit the abilitly to position rescuers when working off the rear. Lastly, set up is a nightmare. We finally decide to use comman sense, based off of what the aerial is rated for when not flowing water, we can safely hang, a rescuer and a stokes off of the last fly section and still not come close to the weight limit, again i caution anyone, the change of direction MUST be at the last fly rung on the actual aerial, NOT the break away as it is only rated for 250lbs. If you would like I have more pics I can send you..just shoot me your email.
At 12:19pm on January 2, 2009, Jim Mason said…
Thanks for responding on the videos I can't play. I ' ve got a laptop and a desktop and I can play them on the laptop unit. So I'm good. take care Budd.
At 10:00pm on December 30, 2008, Joel Holbrook said…
In this instance, we rigged the aerial with a dual line rigging system. the ropes were anchored at the turn table, one on a figure 8 the other on a bar rack. We raised the aerial with the FF attached to the rigging and raised him onto the roof of the cinema. Once the aerial and the rescuer was in position and lowered onto the roof, we tied the stokes into the system and the pair was lifted up and off the roof, at this point crews soft locked the system, rotated out away from the building and retracted the ladder, the rigging sytem allowed the FF and stokes to lower to the ground in a controlled fashion as the slack paid out. This is a drill we practiced several times over the last year. It is not easily noted in the photo, but we are certain to place the change of direction and the edge pro on the last fly of the aerial so as to avoid the break away tip, as it is not rated for this type of loading.
At 11:07am on December 29, 2008, Andrew Brassard said…
I don't know who is teaching it, I do know that it is on PPV.

Hope all is well bro,
At 7:12pm on December 17, 2008, Jim Mason said…
Really any on the communicty site won;t work but on the web newletter from FE, I can play them. I don;t get it , it's just this site
Thanks for the help
At 2:03pm on December 17, 2008, Jim Mason said…
Hey Wayne
Can you tell me what "plug in" it takes to see this video on Qucik time? I can;'t seem to get the vids to play when I click on them
Jim Mason
At 1:54pm on December 8, 2008, Jim Mason said…
Hey Wayne
Thanks for joining CSF (Common Sense Firefighting) It's a fire ground Decison making page on the site. Jump into any discussion at any time. You have a combo dept., how many members do you get on the first due alarm?
If you're going to FDIC we're tenatively planning a CSF get together on Weds nite of that week. Let us know on the CSF page if you can show.
Take care
Jim Mason Chgo FD
At 8:03pm on November 30, 2008, Andrew Brassard said…
Nice Mug Shot!!!!

How are things?
At 11:40pm on November 28, 2008, Art Zern said…
Hey Wayne,

Thanks for your coment on my blog regarding the VES video. Keep the faith.

Thanks again Brother,

At 11:24am on November 20, 2008, Curt DeMarse said…
Thanks Brother.
At 12:12pm on November 14, 2008, Larry Lasich said…
DOH! Read post before replying.

They don't want to do interior! They should be living for the chance to go inside!
At 12:03pm on November 14, 2008, Larry Lasich said…
GAA! That a lot of buck. We get two dollars a call whether you make the call or on stand-by if you miss the Engine.

Yeh, about black Engines, Ambus, Quick Attacks, etc. Because we are private, and the Clubs colors are black and gold.....
At 7:16pm on October 29, 2008, Andrew Brassard said…
Whats up bro?

Ya my email is:

Stay Safe,
At 12:29pm on September 18, 2008, Andrew Brassard said…
Awesome job on the videos!
At 11:38am on September 18, 2008, Todd McKee said…
At 10:09am on September 17, 2008, Tim Linke said…
Hello, Casper...Nate pointed me in your direction saying that you had a couple of videos on 2 1/2" lines. I'd love to take a look!!!
At 9:35pm on September 16, 2008, Gary Rauch said…
Had a great time in Canada, thanks for the great shots.

Gary Rauch

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