Fire Engineering Training Community

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Chad Abel's Comments

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At 3:54pm on March 29, 2009, Paul VonBank said…
At 11:13am on October 23, 2008, Todd McKee said…
Please allow me to invite you to the group called Unique HazMat Incidents. I will be presenting this at 2009 FDIC and would love to hear some of your thoughts. We are currently talking about some real interesting issues.
Todd McKee
At 1:00pm on August 12, 2008, TR Hagerty said…
It was great to work with you last weekend and get to know you. You have alot to offer the fire service. I look forward to working with you more in upcoming events.
At 10:05pm on July 9, 2008, John Power said…
Hey Chad,

Have the books come out yet for the Indy fire school. I would like to get my hands on one.


At 9:34pm on June 24, 2008, Jule Tekler said…
Hi Chad, I haven't seen you since last year at ya'lls school. How are things in your part of the world? Say Hi to Jerry for me. I need to get down that way for more classes. Ya'll have some great instructors down there
Be safe
At 10:12am on April 18, 2008, Chuck Parsons said…
I am looking for any PowerPoints or lessons plans about building construction you have. My email address is
At 12:45pm on April 15, 2008, John Power said…
I hope that I never have to see you under "work" circumstances but there is a tremendous about of electronics throughout our two offices. If you do I'll be the short guy with a fire cap on. It keeps down the glare from my bald head...

I don't know if I will make either of the two schools you mentioned as I have hit the free classes pretty hard since the first of the year and attended Jasper last month. If I do I'll try to look you up.

Be Safe, and tell Steve White I said hello.

At 10:00pm on April 14, 2008, John Power said…
Hey Chad,

We are neighbors sort of. While my fire house is no where close to you my work is on City Center Dr in Carmel. I might even see you there on a tour. We have been bring the Police and Fire depts through so that they can see what we do and the layout of the place.

Maybe I will see you there, looking forward to meeting you again.

Be Safe

At 5:48pm on April 13, 2008, David Ebel said…

Visit Emergency and Disaster Responders
A site for responders by responders.. please check it out for yourself. Be honored to have you see for yourself.
At 9:44am on April 13, 2008, Marc Hickson said…
Hey Chad great to see you here, how's things in Fishers? Take care.
At 2:40pm on April 9, 2008, Chuck Parsons said…
Do you share you lesson plans and presentation on building construction?
At 11:27pm on March 25, 2008, Ryan Sparks said…
Chad you said to get a hold of you if I was interested in joining the ifia. Where do I get the membership packet or application?
At 7:34pm on March 24, 2008, Stacy White said…
Thanks for the compliment:) Looks like you have had some interesting questions asked...I can think no one better to answer them [which is why I always call you with my tough questions]. Looking forward to meeting with the group at Dune Land [by the way, I should be available for the teleconference on the 31, it is the 31, right???]....have a good and safe trip to Disney!
At 9:48am on March 24, 2008, TR Hagerty said…
It isn't going to br to bad. I do have some questions I would like to ask about how you guys do some things if you would give me a call some time 260-668-1852 thats my cell thanks TR
At 1:36pm on March 22, 2008, Ryan Sparks said…
What are the benefits of joining the instructors association?
At 3:47pm on March 21, 2008, TR Hagerty said…
Is this property tax bill going to hurt you guys in Fishers? If so how bad and what do you think will be the out come.. TR Hagerty

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