Fire Engineering Training Community

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G******** from Emmitsburg and the Emergency Management Institute/National Fire Academy. I'm here as part of the instructor cadre for Series 10 of the Master Exercise Practioner Class. These folks will graduate on Thursday including the first Chinese National ever to take the class. The Master Exercise Practioner Class has trained over 500 people from across the United States to develop and carry out every phase of an exercise program. There are 62 people in this class from a very good cross section of government and all levels from city to federal. At the present the class is finishing a large functional exercise. As always, Emmitsburg is a good place to be.

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Comment by Robert Rhoades on August 28, 2008 at 12:47pm
This class is the third in a series of classes leading to the certification as a Master Exercise Practioner. The audience is anyone who is responsible for developing exercises. The series teaches you the process for building, conducting and evaluating the six types of exercises. It is becoming the standard in the industry for the exercise process. Since most governent grants come with an exercise component, there is no lack of work. It is also making contractors produce better products in my opinion. This was series 10 and had a very good cross section of people from across the country and across the response community. There were fire, police, EMS, public health, public works and some contractors in the class. For the first time there was an international student coming from the Peoples Republc of China. The MEP program has also been condjucted for particular audiences such as the US Coast Guard and the Customs and Border Protection. Further information can be found at
There are prerequisites for the class which are easily attainable on line of from local state EMA offices. The instructor Cadre is a composite from many walks of life with most having good backgrounds in Fire, EMS, Public Health and Emergency Management. There are now around 500 MEP's across the land. The three classes are conducted with a time span between each to allow for the development of individual projects that are presented in each class. This final class focuses on the development and production of a functional exercise with the final day spent on the After Action Report and development of the shell of a full scale exercise. Hope this helps.

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