Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

As 2016 winds down, it is time to think forward to 2017. Most make resolutions that they never follow through with. To my fire service brothers/sisters I want to challenge you, make a resolution that will strengthen you, your shifts and the fire service in general. Keep your fire service resolutions for the entire year. Don’t give up 2 months in. Remember complacency kills. Below are some ideas, but please feel free to come up with your own:


  • Train every shift
  • Strengthen your body
  • Strengthen your mind
  • Earn/finish your degree
  • Learn a new skill
  • Take a class that takes you out of your comfort zone
  • Take a promotional exam
  • Encourage your people to move forward in the fire service
  • Lead by example
  • Show your people you can do the skills you are asking them to do
  • Join a committee


Again these are some examples. Make your resolution last all year. 

Views: 426


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