Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

Learn to overcome the learned helplessness mindset
We have built a society where problems are solved by others
We continue to think that we need others to solve our own problems
So we wait….and wait…..and wait for this unknown person to come make all our problems go away.
Meanwhile we do nothing but complain.
Problems are solved by work being done by those involved.
You are the one you have been waiting for.
You will be the one to save yourself from the problems you are having.
It takes WORK.  
You have to do the work.
I recently went to my supervisor on coordinating a much needed officer development school for my department.  
The first step was putting out a survey to determine the needs of the department.
Responses are coming in and this one made me think:
What have you tried so far that hasn't worked for you?
-Voiceing opinion and suggestions
If you could have one question answered about the challenge you are having, what would it be?
-The correct person leading officer development not a relative newby
After reading the above questions and answers, what can you tell about the respondent?
Now I have only had a white shirt and gold badge for 2 years.  I’ve been a leader long before this though.
Voicing opinions and suggestions is nothing more than “talk” not action.  Action gets you the results you want.  
The correct person leading officer development though?  Sure it would be great if an officer with over 25 years on the job decided to coordinate an officer development program for us, but they didn’t.   No one else is doing it.  No one asked me either.  I saw a need and volunteered to address it.  
We make up stories in our heads on how things are suppose to be instead of how they are.  The only way to make them how you want is to do the work to make them that way.
No one is coming to save you.
You must save yourself.
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