Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

     As all of the “new” items are appearing in the fire service there are several firefighters that are all or nothing when it comes to adopting the tactics or strategies. Take for instance transitional attack. Transitional attack is a great tool in the tool box, however many are pushing it to be an all-encompassing tactic whenever there is a fire showing scenario.  On the flip side there are many old hats that insist that if you’re going to hit the fire, you’re going to hit it from the inside out. Both options are viable in most scenarios, but try to explain your middle ground stance and you will always be wrong, no matter what side you present your case to.

     Others will judge your stance on whatever position you have regardless of the topic at hand. What we must keep in mind is as long as we stay educated, open to options and opinions, we ARE always allowed to have our own opinion. Do not be deterred from your opinion simply due to the fear of not receiving the popularity vote of your peers. Do not fall victim to group think, or be concerned of what he or she will think of you because of your strange, or different opinion.

     If you have an opinion that differs, assure that you are educated on your reasoning. Please do not refer back to the catch all of, “That’s the way we’ve always done it”, or simply “Because it’s the right way”. Opinions are what grow the fire service and keep us on the forefront of innovative and ground breaking technology and tactics. If you are going to allow judgement to alter your thinking, let it be your own. Always consider your decisions, choices, primary tactics, etc. for additional changes that can improve your outlook, and better the next job you respond to. Always remain a student of the game, update and educate yourself on a daily basis…..daily basis…… DAILY BASIS….. not only when you’re working or at the station, daily. This job is ever changing, if you miss a day of education you are now a day behind. No one will ever keep up with it all, but we sure can try.

Judge yourself and be your own firefighter. Defend the mission, and protect the men!

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