Fire Engineering Training Community

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Setting Specific Goals and Objectives--Podcast

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This episode discusses the importance of setting very specific goals and objectives.  Being specific allows us to create a realistic and attainable plan to achieve our goals.

We need to set bench marks and a written record of our progress, successes and set backs.  Below is an example of some specific goals and objectives for a fire officer.  Some of the objectives could be more specific. Can you  pick them out and see where more specific details could be added?

Be sure to be realistic, dreaming and reaching high is very different from fair tales.

Below is from a student that completed my officer development class.



1) Obtain rank of Lieutenant
2) Motivate, lead, and train new and tenured crew members once promoted


1) Obtain rank of Captain
2) Obtain masters degree in Emergency Services Management


Obtain Rank of Lieutenant:

-Personal study and training (daily) to improve my KSA’s
-Take leadership/company officer training classes
-Find current company officer to mentor me for the purpose of becoming a company officer
-Participate in next promotional process

Motivate, lead, train crew members:

-Lead by positive example of respect and encouragement
-Assess where deficiencies are in my crew’s KSA’s
-Develop and implement specific training to improve my crew’s KSA’s and tactical proficiency

Obtain Rank of Captain:
-Obtain rank of lieutenant first
-Obtain Fire Officer II certification
-Continue to take leadership/company officer training classes -Participate in captain’s promotional process

Obtain Master’s Degree:

-Obtain rank of lieutenant first, for purpose of full District tuition reimbursement -Narrow down and select university
-Complete program within 2 years of starting

Views: 135


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