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The Dynamics of Leadership: “Principles, Values and Skills” - Loyalty

It has been said that we influence a number of people in our lifetime. Your circle of influence depends upon you as individuals and the area you may be in. It could depend upon the organization, rank structure, personal boldness or even other peoples’ willingness to be influenced. So with so many dimensions why is this so important? Well I want you to take a short period here and think about all of the people who come to mind in the next couple of minutes and see just how many people in all aspects of your life have influenced you. It has been said that we all influence at least 250 people in your lifetime. We influence others by what we say and do, as well as, how we do our work better known as the quality of our work.

The dynamics of leadership provides the opportunity for fire officers to look at the way their character creates their state of being and how those choices effect and guide the men and women they lead. By understanding, learning and embracing these principles, values and skills will address how each individuals limitations are the limits to the growth of their organization. Developing new perspectives and character will allow you as an officer or leader to begin to build new paths to personal and organizational excellence. Initiating personal change at the character level is by far difficult. However if change is initiated it will allow the participants to become more dynamic, visionary, exceptional leaders and expand their company’s opportunities and success. The ability to change and grow is a tremendous asset every leader must have.

In this series of articles we will be exploring the dynamics of leadership from a multi-dimensional view. We will examine the following components of leadership: principles, values and skills.
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