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The Sunday Preach


~A few quotes from pg. 248 of the book "25 to Survive:  Reducing Residential Injury and LODD" tells a story of reflection, introspection, humility and refinement for personal and professional progress...

"We know that few firefighters or company officers have experienced the 'perfect fire'. In that scenario, every fireground task said and done is accomplished right on point."

"After the formal or informal tailboard talk with the members, I critique my actions at the job. In nearly 20 years of fighting fires, I still have yet to come back from a fire and say to myself, "I nailed it... and would do it the exact same way next time"."

"Whether personal, company level, or department wide, we can modify and polish our operations for the next fire. We owe that to ourselves, our fellow firefighters, and the citizens we are sworn to protect."

~Share your stories, and not just the ones of glory... Share with your crew the things that you need to work on, actions you should... or should not have taken. Likely, these same actions may have happened to them, and they may already have a remedy for your future success. 

~Be humble, we ALL make mistakes. It is the professional, the introspective, the humble, who share.... to better themselves and their team. And learn, if a fireground mistake is made: adapt, refocus, overcome and move along... learning in the future, to not have yourself of your crew, repeat those actions.

25 to Survive: Reducing Residential Injury and ... - Facebook

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