Fire Engineering Training Community

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You have to make a few resolutions when the new year comes around. You can't go wrong with directing efforts towards mastering the basics of stretching hose effectively and efficiently, searching the right areas first and not wasting time, flowing the right GPM in the right spot. We must also keep up the fight against those that make it a full time job trying to rob us of our passion. These organizational terrorist seem to think that we all need "fixing" and spend countless hours imposing a warped view of what the fire service "needs to be" that only slows our true progress. Finally, borrowing the phrase from my friends at Urban Firefighter " KEEP FIRE IN YOUR LIFE" sums it all up. This means never stop learning, training and perfecting your ability to do your job. Remember our organizations exist to deliver the service of extinguishing fires in order to save lives and property. EVERYTHING else is just light smoke and mirrors that create fluff. Happy New Year!

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