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What's your take on a firefighter having a mohawk haircut? Does it matter? Why or why not? 

While at FDIC, many instructors weighed in on the importance of our appearance. Most of it surrounded the topic of the generation gap (Baby Boomers-Millennials). The newest generation (Millennial Generation) was cited by one instructor as being disrespectful and lazy. He went on to say "They can't even change a spare tire."

Another instructor pushed back on this saying we (Baby Boomers & Generation X'ers) need to bridge the gap, teach fire service history, and use the strengths of the newest generation. Strengths included the use of technology, knowing where to find the information--not necessarily "knowing it all." 

The day before FDIC, while competing in a Tough Mudder, I got a mohawk for a $5 donation to the Wounded Warrior Project. Knowing I was going to FDIC, I decided to keep it with the intent on recording the responses of fellow firefighters and shaving it off before my next shift.

What do you think about haircuts? Are some acceptable and others are not? Who decides? Is a mohawk any different than tattoos or being overweight? Help me out here...

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Comment by Christopher Huston on April 27, 2012 at 8:07am

It also comes down to cultural norms. As society changes you will see those issues that may have been "taboo" become everyday norms. Is their any difference between a Firefighter that can do a great job with tattoos or a 300lb Firefighter that cannot? Pride and apperance are very important but we also need to know how it all fits in culturally.

Comment by Steve Boothe on April 24, 2012 at 8:59pm
I would have to say appearance is first impression and it may not be fair, but just as tattoos it is about your appearance that allows a person to trust on first impression. Now while wearing fire fighting gear I hope nobody can see your hair. I too was at FDIC and sat in the same class you are speaking of and you are asking who decides? I think it is all of us that gets to decide we have a reputation to up hold and like it or not a image. Nice topic thanks for the thought provoking subject.
Comment by Reed T. Menz on April 24, 2012 at 2:23pm

It seems to me a Mohawk is safer than some of the beards and long mustaches, long hair I've seen on some of the fire fighters fo my generation, which interferes with the face piece...

Comment by Mike France on April 23, 2012 at 9:28am

Speaking as a Chief officer apperance doe's matter , We can't control what you do , but being clean shaven and neat haircut makes you feel the part. You go out into the public with your uniform on you need to look the part and it's a matter of Pride. As far as the Instructors Comment I would agree with him , esp. recently having to with deal with a Probie FF who mouthed off to their FF1 Instructor .  

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