Fire Engineering Training Community

Where firefighters come to talk training

Within the culture of the American Fire Service, we have sub-cultures. There are those who seek to be professionals in their chosen trade. Then there are individuals who simply seek entitlement. No matter where you align yourself on that scale, this trade has minimum requirements. You must position yourself within the team and carry out the duties you are assigned. Our business has been forged through blood, sweat and tears. Even if you care not for the sense of pride and accomplishment after a job well done, you at least owe it to those who came before and those who will come after.

For the last 6 months I have had many great conversations and encounters with Fire Service Professionals from all levels and backgrounds. What was developed from this, is what I feel are the Five Firefighter Fundamentals

Fire Service Mission – Fire Service members value the mission of the Fire Service and the mission of their department, team and partner. The understanding of where we came from, where we are and where we are going is crucial to ensure the integrity of our profession.

Roles and Responsibilities – Each member of the Fire Service must comprehend their role, responsibilities and rank within their department structure. Not only their own role but of those around them.

Training and Education – Every Fire Service member takes pride in his or her training and education. Members recognize training is a never ending process, it is essential to maintain skills and improve our level of service.

Tools and Equipment – Fire Service members sustain knowledge on all tools and equipment they are expected to use.

Public Education – All members of the Fire Service promote and advance Public Education. Our priority is the continuous reduction and prevention of fire emergencies.

Even if you have embraced one of the other “List” or “Mission Statements”, these five, are simple to understand and are the foundation in which to implement the Fire Service Mission – Life Safety, Incident Stabilization and Property Conservation.

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Comment by Christopher Huston on March 29, 2012 at 10:54pm

Thank you sir! My idea and the concept behind the fundamentals is having the brand new firefighter, at the first meeting, training, introduction knows what the heart and soul is of what we do....and the seasoned vet to never forget. As long as these basics are always performed we will always be our best.

You may have seen these in the preview of Speed Smoke Stress

Comment by Robert Owens on March 29, 2012 at 8:42pm

Good stuff, it definetly gives us something that defines what a Firefighter is and should be.

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