Fire Engineering Training Community

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Ran the Courage and Valor 5k this evening and had a blast doing it! Hit a PR with a time of 32:05 - hey, I never said I was fast! But knowing you are wearing a chip-timer tends to get your butt moving a little faster. We had over 300 registered competitive runners with over 850 overall participants. It looked very impressive! With me in this photo are my Fire Engineering bosses Diane Feldman and Bobby Halton. Diane ran her very first 5k and look mighty strong doing it, too - Go Team Diane!



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Comment by Woody on March 27, 2011 at 8:31pm

I just wanted to say it was awesome finishing hard with you at the 5k Courage and valor run. I know our city's weather wasn't the best, but FDIC always makes it warm up. Keep drawing what your heart tells you to. Besafe!

                                                                               -Michael K. Sandala L82C Wayne Twp. Indianapolis


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