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Straight tips vs. fog nozzles. Just putting this out for debate. My Dept does not have straight tips on any line. The few we have are locked away in compartments. Most lines are pre-connected with fog nozzles, I have a personal opinion. I believe we should split the nozzles half straight tip and half fog. I like straight tips for putting water on the fire and if the straight tip is used correctly it can keep both fire and water damage to a minimum.

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Comment by Don Huneke on March 24, 2009 at 10:10am
I was looking to see if anyone here had either tests or data to support change. As you know change in the fire service is hard to bring around. I did not want to go in with just my opinion and SOP's from my past Depts. I think that shows a bias and a tend to look to the North East for SOP's. I was hoping a southern Dept had some imput. One major 100% paid Dept here in my county changed over to straight tips and a very NYC way of fire attack. I like it because thats what I was originally taught and feel at home doing. I like the straigt tip for interior fast attack and knock down, car fires, out side rubbish and on deck guns, ladder pipes and tower ladders. Fog for protection lines, decon and limited ventilation. I also feel more at home doing Truck work but in my Dept we are not assigned a unit just a station. Each station has either two engines or an engine and a truck. You could be on either one on any call depending on the response plan or location and call type. The Dept is looking to make alot of changes and I see it as positive growth. But I do want to have my ducks in a row to bring ideas to the table. Any input would go along way. Thanks
Comment by Don Huneke on March 23, 2009 at 5:53pm
Thanks Brother..Our deck guns are straight tip, but I feel a 2 1/2 and 1/2 of all hand lines should have straight tips. I always found you can knock down alot of fire fast with a straight tip....Be safe brother EGH

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