Fire Engineering Training Community

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Norman E. Flanders
  • Male
  • North Clarendon, VT
  • United States
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Norman E. Flanders's Friends

  • Mike France
  • Captain Busy
  • Jason  Brooks
  • Wes Anders
  • David Ebel
  • Dave J. Iannone

Norman E. Flanders's Page

Profile Information

Clarendon Fire Association
Years of public service:
Serving Since 1980
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Top issues in your department:
Recruitment & Retention
Professional Qualifications:
My Training:
* On's never to late to learn something related to the fire service....even if it's covering the basics.
* Shipboard FF & Damage Control/Helicopter ARFF - US Navy
* Military FF/ARFF (Crash Fire Rescue) - US Air Force {Air National Guard} - Left as SSGT and a 7 Level Supervisor Classification
* Various National, State & County FF Training Classes/Certifications
About Me:
* Married...Oct. 1978 and in Oct. 2008, it was 30 yrs. and going, to a very wonderful and understanding woman. Who's stood by me through the years, supported my decisions, been my best friend and still makes me happy.
- They say behind every man is a stronger woman.....and that she is!!!!.
* I'll never be able to thank her enough for her outstanding love, devotion and support.
* I have three great sons. Two of which have served the fire service since both joining as juniors and one is now a LT.
* In Jan. 2007 we were blessed with our first Grandchild. Preston Edward, In June 2009 we were blessed with our second Grandchild Eion Philip, and in Aug 2010 we were blessed with our third grandchild a Granddaughter, Myah Ann.

* I'm very proud and happy with the dedicated members that support me and make the Clarendon Fire Association a success. Without their outstanding help, support and dedication I couldn't do my job with such success.

* To all the members, "Thank You for all you do and for giving of your time. It's through your unselfish sacrifice, dedication, compassion and caring that make us a success!!" Always remember, "You are the greatest investment this FD has made".

* To the members families, "I want to say, "Thank you for being so supportive of your husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, son/daughter and significant other and allowing them to give of their time and for missing some special moments in your lives to be a valued member of the Clarendon Fire Assoc." Again Thank You and may God Bless You in all you do and for all you give.

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At 7:18pm on October 21, 2010, Mike France said…
Welcome Norm

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