Fire Engineering Training Community

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David Klotz
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  • Rich Lockhart
  • Phillyfirenews
  • Dennis E Sampson
  • J. Scott Loftis
  • Todd McKee

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Started Apr 30, 2008


David Klotz's Page

Profile Information

Medford Farms Vol Fire Co
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Volunteer fire department
Top issues in your department:
1. Lack of training among certian memebers.
2. Unwillingness for change to occur among some.
Professional Qualifications:
Firefighter 1, EMT-B, Fire Officer 1, Rope Rescue, Vehicle Rescue Tech,
Confined Space Ops, Hazmat Ops, RIT, I-300, Wildland S130-S190, Building Construction,
Topics you provide training for:
SCBA, RIT, Ladder Company, Engine Company, Firefighter Saftey and Survival.
Areas of expertise:
Truck Company Operations, Vehicle Rescue, RIT, Firefighter Saftey and Survival.
My Name is David Klotz and I began my career in the fire service 5 years ago with the Medford Farms Vol. Fire Co. Located in Tabernacle NJ. I have for the past four years served as a firefighter EMT on the company until this year when I was eleceted as 2nd lieutenant. Currently I am a full time student at a local community college. I have taken many classes at the fire training center in a wide rage of topics. I am one of the bigest proponets of training our department and I believe that training is not somthing that you should every stop doing. I am currently working towards an Instructor Certification in the State of New Jersey. I am always looking for new training ideas and I would never say I am an expert in any feild just that I study and train very hard in certian ones.
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Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 7:20pm on August 6, 2011, Benjamin Rudd said…

Hello, I have a question for you about a post you had a while back, I was wondering if you could email me?



- Chunk

At 10:18pm on July 4, 2008, Steve Gooley said…

Did you take the ROCO class with Bristle Meyers last week?
At 10:06am on May 27, 2008, Steve Gooley said…
Welcome to the New Jersey Group. Make sure you invite your fellow New Jersey Brothers. This is your group so feel free to pass on some knowledge, start or join any discussion, or if you’re looking for a place to vent, vent away.
At 1:23pm on May 22, 2008, Steve Gooley said…
Welcome to the site. Take a look at the New Jersey group located at Feel free to join and make it your own.
At 1:00am on May 10, 2008, Dennis E Sampson said…
Hey David,

Look in the forum under Regionalization Breaking down home rule. There are some posted info thst can help you. It sounds like you are at the beginning stages of regionalization. Good Luck!!!!!!


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