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A three alarm job Downtown

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Comment by Eric Hankins on January 5, 2009 at 5:23pm

It was fairly new construction. And yes it was truss.

We were finishing up the LAST day of a 6 day training op at a local multi screen theater set for demo when this toned out. As you know WE don't have a staffed truck. Lucky for us, We had a 4 person truck teaching commercial vent at the training site, so they broke down the truck and took in the job on the first alarm. Between the 4 person truck and the third due engine (with 3)being assigned to vertical vent, we had 7 guys with 4 saws turning the roof into swiss cheese. It needed it to. The fire room was a large storage/maintenance room probably close to 800 square feet with ZERO openings in the exterior for a quick horizontal vent. The guys mad a few offensive heat holes over the fire, and when it looked like we may loose the wing, they backed up and started cutting defensive trenches. For several minutes, the smoke was bad enough on the roof to choke out all of the saws. Once there was enough ventilation and a few more lines on the fire, we got a handle on it. It was if'y there for a bit if we were going to catch it on not.

Everyone did a great job, including my engine (first due) that got blown out of the fire room twice while waiting for some vent. Unfortunately, I was off the engine for the training so I arrived like 15th due on out truck and manned the Command Post... YEAY!

Oh well, more fires to come right????

Miss you guys too. How many of you are coming down to SD in Feb?

Talk to you later Bro...

Comment by Josh Materi on January 5, 2009 at 1:29am
What was that roof construction? Looks like it was fairly new consruction....

Miss you man, hope your holidays were good.


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