Richard Ray

Profile Information:

Lives in:
North Carolina
Durham Fire-Rescue
Fire Captain
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Staffing, response, training, salary issues
Professional Qualifications:
Level II Firefighter, Haz-Mat Technician, Rescue Technician to include Rope, Confined Space, Trench, & Collapse, Level II Instructor, Live Fire Instructor, RIT Instructor, USAR Technician, EMT-Intermediate
Topics you provide training for:
Engine Co. Operations, RIT, Fire Behavior, Live Fire Training, Standpipe Operations, Basic FF Rookie Class, Extrication
Areas of expertise:
Live Fire Operations, Engine Co. Operations, Basic FF Skills with a focus on the new FF.
A member of the fire service since 1992, I am an active member of a volunteer department as well as employed by Durham Fire Department where I serve as a Captain and an Adjunct Instructor for the Training Division. I have achieved a variety of certificates, training, and have several professional qualifications. As a member of two types of departments, I have been allowed to experience many different scenarios and situations that have broadened my vision in firefighting.
Web site:

Comment Wall:

  • Dan Curia

    I was wondering what took you so long!
  • David Ebel


    Please allow me to invite you to a site designed by responders for responders... the crew that is doing it is CISM multilevel trained and are there for the guys after the bad calls. It helps the responders that do not yet have a team or would be worried that they asking for help would be seen as weakness. Please join and share it when you can. As a chaplain with over 25 years of service to fire departments I am excited with it's potential to provide support.

    Visit Emergency and Disaster Responders