Roger Yow

, Male

Charleston, SC

United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Moncks Corner, SC about 40 mile west of Charleston
Charleston Fire Department
Captain - Retired
Years of public service:
30 yrs. counting my continued support for our firefighters as president of IAFF Local 61
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Needless death of 9 good firefighters
Poor FD & City management
Anti-Labor management
Professional Qualifications:
25 years of service. Last 18 yrs. as Engine Co. Captain. Retired in 2003 from on the job injury. Numerous schools and certifications during my career.
Areas of expertise:
Fire suppression
Firefighter rights and safety
Labor issues
Entered the Charleston Fire Dept. in 1978. Moved through the ranks the hard way. Promoted to Captain in 1986 and remained at that rank until an injury put me out in 2003. I have served on IAFF Local 61 executive board since 1996 and have been president for 7 years until my recent retirement from that position on Sept. 1, 2008.

Comment Wall:

  • Bryan Downie

    Hello Roger,

    Nice to see you have a page here. It was great seeing you in Chicago and meeting your executive board and your lovely wife in Charleston at the Seminar last April.

    I hope the changes being made are having a positive effect on the department and the men. I've kept in email contact with Ricky Koger and Matt Thompson and it seems that things are moving forward. I hope that you are doing well.

    Take care and I will see you around the site. The invitation to come to Cleveland and fish still stands.

    Bryan Downie
    Parma Firefighters
    IAFF Local 639
  • Brenda Tenney

    Hello from the county of Bamburg SC.Govan FD.
    Fire fighter 1 and first responder,etc.
    Keep safe,and God Bless
  • John Barrett


    I founded a LODD prevention organization this year...I think we need to talk.
    Please take a few minutes to visit our website:

    You can call (972-268-4738) or email me at
    I look forward to hearing from you,
