Bryan Downie

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Parma, Ohio (Largest suburb of Cleveland, bordering their south side)
City of Parma (105 career firefighters, 5 stations) IAFF Local 639
Firefighter Paramedic
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Manpower / Staffing
Firefighter Safety
Topics you provide training for:
Tactics, Firefighter health and safety, SCBA

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  • Will Anderson

    Just found you on this website. Nice to see a NE Ohio guy here. Hope all is settling down a little w/ PFD and the city. We (Euclid) know what you're going through. Our situation isn't any better. Give me a call if you have any questions 216-374-5185 or C-platoon in Euclid 216-289-8415. Take care.
  • Will Anderson

    Thanks! I've added your cell to my phone.
  • Will Anderson

    Brian, happy new year! What type of aerial do you have (mid-mount or rear-mount)? We're looking into a rear mount b/c we're probably going to get a FEMA grant for $750,000 towards a new one. Right now we have a mid-mount. I think I've seen rear-mounts in PFD, but no sure. Give me your thoughts regardless. Thanks!