Ray A Morales


United States

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Frisco Texas
Dallas FD
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Professional Qualifications:
Certified Fire Protection Specialist
HazMat Technician (State of Texas cert)
Master Fire Fighter (State of Texas cert)
Instructor I (State of Texas cert)

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  • Ray A Morales

    Same ol' stuff, different day. I'm still a lowly Lt. All is well. The children are keeping us busy. Jacob is playing football and baseball, Elise is in soccer and Elayna is just playing us. I'll give you a buzz sometime this week. Adios
  • Michael Hughes

    Say Ray, I'm new in town. Will u be my friend?
  • Ronnie Tocci

    I want to be like Ray.