Anthony Avillo

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Freehold, NJ
North Hudson (NJ) Regional Fire & Rescue
Deputy Chief -- Region-wide Tour Commander
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Professional Qualifications:
Level II instructor
Arson Investigator
BS-- Fire Service -- New Jersey City University
Topics you provide training for:
Fireground strategies
Areas of expertise:
Strategy & tactics
Anthony Avillo, a 24 year veteran, is a Deputy Chief in North Hudson Regional (NJ) Fire & Rescue, assigned as Regional Tour Commander of the 1st Platoon. Chief Avillo has a B.S. in Fire Science from New Jersey City University and is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Educational Technology. He is an instructor at the Bergen County (NJ) and Monmouth County (NJ) Fire Academies. Avillo, an FDIC instructor, is also an editorial advisor and contributing editor to Fire Engineering Magazine. He is the author of Fireground Strategies (Pennwell 2002) and Fireground Strategies Workbook (Pennwell 2003). The 2nd Edition of Fireground Strategies is now out. Fireground Strategies Workbook Vol. 2 should be out before the end of the year. Also co-authored the Safety and Survival chapter in the new Fire Engineering Firefighter's Handbook (with Frank Ricci and Jay Woron) and is co-auther of the Fire Engineering Firefighter handbook Student Study Guide (with Jimmy Kirsch) .
Web site:

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  • Steve Gooley

    Welcome to the site. Take a look at the New Jersey group located at Feel free to join and make it your own.
  • Steve Gooley

    Welcome to the New Jersey Group. Make sure you invite your fellow New Jersey Brothers. This is your group so feel free to pass on some knowledge, start or join any discussion, or if you’re looking for a place to vent, vent away.
  • Rich Bartlett

    Thanks for the response brother. As far as my page it is a work in progress.
  • Richard Michitsch

    I took the first Officer Development course that you gave at the Monmouth County Fire Academy. It was one of the most instructive courses that I took because of you teaching technique and personal experiences. I wanted to let you know that after taking your course I implemented a number of new SOPs (I stopped using the term SOG. SOGs are procedures without ba!!$, right) at the company level. I now have all firefighters that ride the apparatus wearing seatbelts in the apparatus (as well as in their POV), wearing chin straps at all times, and wearing the waist belt on their SCBA to name a few.
    I just wanted to let you know how you inspire those around you and I respect and appreciate you as a Chief, an Instructor, and a Firefighter.
    DON’T be the next one, BE Safe!
    Richard Michitsch
    2nd Lt, Midway Hose Company Number 2, MBFD
  • Joseph Viscuso

    Chief, Thanks for all your guidance throughout the years. You are a true motivator and innovator and we are all grateful for that. If I am half the chief officer you are I know I will be successful. I also want you to know that I have to order a new copy of your book because I wore out the original one. Thanks again and hope to see you soon.
  • Nick Buckingham

    Thanks for the comment chief, as for my location, I am in mount ephraim NJ, just a few miles from camden city. I am slowing adding to my page, and all the info will be up soon.
    Stay safe
  • Bryn Crandell

    Excellent broadcast on FDIC online. It shows that if you plan for it, it can happen. Again superb.
  • Bobby Staulters

    Thanks Chief...

    Hopefully the hard work will pay off. I watched the webcast you had last week at FDIC online. I took notes... and enjoyed it... stay safe.
  • Richard Michitsch

    I am having problems regarding the NFPA requirements. I am and have been receiving major pushback from my department (including Chiefs) regarding some of the procedures regarding gear, equipment, and apparatus inspections that I have established for my company. The procedures specify when and how to perform the inspections, as well as, checklists that record the activities. I have taken the information from the various NFPA standards and the Manufacturers documentation, and recommendations. The issue is (as I have been told by numerous past and present officers) that NJ has not adopted NFPA STDs; therefore, we don’t have to follow them. I am in the process if trying to determine if that is a true statement, but even if it is not, there is nothing that states that we can’t and shouldn’t. I feel that if (god forbid) there is an incident; I (as an officer and person) have done everything possible to ensure the safety of my firefighters. Am I off the wall for thinking like this? No, I hope.
    If there was an incident are we not going to be held to the national STDs in a court of law?
    Other than the POSHA Document from the Division of Fire and Safety is there any documentation that states NJ does or does not follow NFPA STDs?
    DON’T be the next one, BE safe!
  • Todd McKee

    Great FDIC on line! Loved it my entire crew listened!
  • Richard Michitsch

    Thanks for the help and the support.
  • Todd McKee

    I had to do to that once and it was real difficult. I am a very energetic speaker and it was hard for me to sit for one hour! You did great! Keep in touch! Todd
  • Ron Givens

    Thanks Anthony! I just wanted to let you know that I read your "Fireground Strategies" book when I took a Fire Company Administration course at Ocean County College in New Jersey when I lived up there and found a lot of great tips! I have never gotten the chance to meet you, but I do know that your department is one of the best known in Jersey. I wish you were teaching at teh Monmouth County Fire Academy when I still lived up there. I was the last class to have been taught by the late Capt Fitzgerald from Newark, so I went through tthe acadwey in 2002. I was a volunteer in Union Beach. I am now a career firefighter in Fort Myers, Florida and I am still using great tips from firefighters in your department, along with FDNY and Jersey City. Firefighting is much different in the south, which styaffing and knowledge issues. Fire has developped much faster with woodframe and warehouse type construction in the north. CBS with woodtruss buildings have taken over down here giving a false sense of security when it comes to the strength of a building. I have been reading some of your posts and I am taking some knowledge from many others on this site and am trying to develop them into training for my department. Thank you and if I have any questions, I will be sure to get back to you. And if you ever come down to florida to teach, it would be a pleasure to meet you.
  • Andy "Sippy" Biron

    FYI Biz is heading to my house next week. We are going to catch a game at Fenway.. you know the World Champion Red Sox!!!
  • Mike Gagliano

    Yo bruddah...

    Can you give me a few dates that might work for seminar? Late September, October and/or Novemeber?

  • Mike Gagliano

    aaaahhhh, amigo... you make me laugh...

    we had some of our guys at balmer, but i was at the south carolina conference the week before.... great show...

    here's what i was hoping for in seattle...

    2 days, same class each day (8 hours)...

    would need to be weekdays to get all our folks in...

    does that work?

    i'm going to ring you up in the next day or two, but those are the basic parameters...


    hey tony, when is the new book coming out. looking forward to some good reading. JK

    thanks brother. looking forward for the book to come out. enjoy the rest of the summer.
  • TR Hagerty

    Hey Brother How are things in NJ Hope all is well TR
  • TR Hagerty

    Your Not RIGHT
  • David Bullard

    Hey Brother,
    Could you get me a copy of your "probie's training" program?
  • Will Stolc

    Hey Chief,
    The other day you mentioned a video you saw on youtube of horiontal vent chasing guys out of a bldg. You remember what it was called?

    Will (stick)
  • Will Stolc

    Ha ha thanx chief. thats why i never put a pic there. no need.

    chief, have you ever heard of something in "nims" that requires the incident commander at a structure fire to be a chief officer?
  • Todd McKee

    Chief Avillo:
    I posted a blog about buckling helmets and Bobby told me you were the man that brought this home to NY & NJ. Please take a look at the BLOG and put your thoughts to it. I would love to hear any ideas you have regarding this! How do I bring this to my guys and students??

    Todd McKee
  • Ron Burkhardt Jr

    Hey Chief, Im a Captain out of Union Beach in Monmouth County. We are currently in the process of trying to consolidate our dept. We have four houses and are looking to put them into one or two. My question to you is how? How do we do this our town will not be able to build us a firehouse and we are not a wealthy fire district like most of the county. Is there grants and could you give some advice? Any help or advcie is greatly appreciated. My email is Thanks in advance, Ron
  • Ron Burkhardt Jr

    Thanks Chief for the response. We basically have everyone in line. Im sure that there are some that wont say they are not for this but act like they are. That is inevitable we all understand. In the last few years my dept has made great strides to get everyone together. It is believe it or not working. We are training together, responding more as a dept, and even conversating with each Alot of the frontline members are tired of having to do it all ourselves. One co responds with 10 another with 2 another with 5 and so on. Our thing is lets fully staff as many trucks instead of spreading everything out. This is going to happen for certain its just a matter of working all the particulars out. Like you said and we are finding out it all evolves around $$$$$. Do you know where to look for the funds and grants that may be available to us? I believe thats where we need to start. Not to get off the subject but by chance do you and chief Nasta still run the Engine and truck ops class for the state? I attended that a few years ago at the Dempster center. It was excellent.I would like to get my guys into that. Thanks again Ron
  • Brent Hullender

    What are you talking about with the music? I have just about anything you can think of on my ipod. I'll work on a play list just for you. I'll have it ready when Mike and I pick you up at the airport. Have a great Christmas!

  • Dennis E Sampson

    Hey Chief,

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you, your family and extended family !!

    Just a quick note, I have done exatly what you have stated for 35 years as a firefighter in trying to reduce the casualties and sadly became one myself. I was voted out of my department because I held a Chief accountable as well as a member of his company for coming to a call smelling of alcohol and admitting such. I guess I can only say that under my leadership, EVERYONE WENT HOME, something I am very proud of !! But, I have also died internally for what has been done. My short story tells it all !!

    STAY SAFE !!!
    Dennis E Sampson
  • le neouanic laurent

    hello my name is laurent so french paramedic fire figther,i search for trade uniform's and helmet's for my collection ,thank's for your reponse my blog :
    my mail :
    happy new year for you and your family ,so long .laurent
  • Art Zern


    Thanks for joining the Illinois Fire Service Institute group. Feel free to jump-in or start a discussion.

  • Will Stolc

    Hey Chief
    I have some pics from our recent training activities. If you want give me your e-mail and ill send you them.
  • Scott Thompson

    Hey Bro. just checking in and saying hello. Look forward to seeing you in Indy. Hope all is well.

  • Phil Jose


    Just sent you a friend request. We met when you were here in Seattle and had lunch together talking about vert vent of a truss construction.

    I wanted to reach out and see if you have some insight into differences in construction feature that can help identify whether a flat roof building has a cockloft/attic space and/or when there is no space but just ceiling/insulation in the rafter space/and roof deck.

    We have a lot of buildings with both types of construction and we recently had a top floor fire with a mis-identification of a cockloft where there was none. Significant difference in fire spread potential and resource allocation. No harm done but I would like to train the crews on how to quickly differentiate between the two.

    Thanks a bunch.

    Phil Jose
  • Don Huneke

    Chief. Great topic you posted about Freelancing. I got on my soap box on that one. I hope my response sparked as much thought as your topic did. Stay Safe (EGH)
  • Shane Furuta


    It was a pleasure meeting you... Thanks again on a fantastic class. I'll let you know as soon as I get through that giant text you just wrote. Keep up the great work you are doing for the fire service. Aloha Brother- Shane
  • Nick Morgan

    Hey Chief,

    Sorry I missed your class at FDIC. I heard it was great. Too many good classes to choose from this year. LOL! Your book is great, lot's of good info that will apply here in St Louis.

    Stay safe!

  • Nick Morgan

    Hi Chief,
    No, the book is not used here, though I wish it were. I used John Norman's book in the past to help prepare me for the assessment center; and if I have to go through it again I'll use yours too. It can't hurt!

    Stay safe!
  • Matt Thomson

    Thanks again Chief.
  • Matt Thomson

    Found the Terra Haute video, thanks!
  • John B Renner IV

    thanks for the welcome, I wish I knew about this site earlier on. the training videos on here are really good. Duck is not near Durham, but you're right about the outer banks. stay safe brother!

  • Noel Marti


    Wanted to know if there is any way we can look up the changes from the 1st edition to the 2nd edition of the Fireground Strategies book?


    Lt. Marti
  • Noel Marti

    It's for a promotional exam that I am taking and I studied it last year. This year they are using your new 2nd edition and I'd hate to read it all over again since I had already made note cards. Not to say that I don't like reading your books...LOL but it would save a lot of time if I just knew the changes.

    From Miramar Florida. Thank you very much for you rapid response Chief. Excellent book. look forward to attending one of your seminars in the near future. Once again....thank you!
  • Noel Marti

    Any suggestions for practical scenarios?
  • Noel Marti

    There is a written component to the exam which accounts for 40% of your overall score and there is also a practical scenario where they give you a fire scenario and you have to hit certain benchmarks in allotted time (12 min?). The practical portion is 60% of the overall grade.
  • Rick Fritz

    The new Basics book looks great!
  • Jeff Bergstrom

    Thanks this has been very helpful
    Happy Thanksgiving
    Stay safe
  • Michael Dombroski

    Hi Anthony, hope all is well.
    My scholarship to the USA has been approved and I'd like to visit your department. The dates have been brought forward to October this year to line up with an event in Europe. Is this going to be possible? I've now got such short notice to tee things up with people.

    Mike D - New Zealand.
  • Edouard Dervichian

    Hi Anthony. Thank you for responding.

    At first I would like to know about the radio technology; the kind of radio that you use; the frequency of each of the three channels; are you operating with push-to-talk in simplex, semi-duplex; the channel power, etc. since none of this information can be taken for granted as it is too easy to elicit the wrong requirements for communicating on the fireground. Thank you for your inputs

  • Andrew Berg

    Hi Anthony,

    Toronto Fire Services has used this Mayday procedure since 2007.  We change channels on transmission of a Mayday and it can only be done by Incident Command.  It is not an automatic move as we use repeated channels and have both a simplex and digital system.  Based on what is being used and type of fire - High Rise vs. Structural/Residential or even Subway our channels are dictated by certain incidents because of radio strength and transmission capability.  We do not encourage more than 2 channels as we have found FF's lose track of which sector has which channel.  TFS recently used this system on Jan 3rd where we managed to resuce 2 FF's who fell into a burning 3 story structure. Everything else you mentioned is exactly the same in regards to who stays on what channel.

    Andrew Berg

    Acting Captain

    Toronto Fire Services