Bryan Downie

Profile Information:

Lives in:
Parma, Ohio (Largest suburb of Cleveland, bordering their south side)
City of Parma (105 career firefighters, 5 stations) IAFF Local 639
Firefighter Paramedic
Years of public service:
Agency structure:
Paid fire department
Top issues in your department:
Manpower / Staffing
Firefighter Safety
Topics you provide training for:
Tactics, Firefighter health and safety, SCBA

Comment Wall:

  • Mike Gagliano

    Brother.... Great to meet you and kudos for grabbing a front row seat...

    I cannot tell you how impressed I was by the enthusiasm and warmth of firefighters from your area and I felt at home immediately...

    I hope those conversations you had with your fellow firefighters turns into concrete action to ensure that no Ohio firefighters aspyxiate or perish due to smoke related cancer. Only leaders like yourself can make that happen.

    God bless you bro...

  • Dave McGrail


    Thanks for your kind words and positive feedback regarding my work at FDIC.

    Stay Low,

    Your Brother in Denver,

    Dave Mc.